Friday, 26 January 2018

Beating the January Blues

How to beat the january blues
I think I speak for most of us when I say January is a sluggish month that needs to just hurry up and end. You've already broken your New Year resolutions, the Christmas decorations are tucked back in the attic, the days are short and gloomy, oh, and all the good Quality Streets are gone. Could this month get any worse? Oh, yeah, there is also a 5 week till payday, which will be spent on recovering from January.

Even though the end is nigh I still find this month ticking by very slow, so I've been making conscious efforts to try to ditch the 'January Blues' and decided to share what I've been doing.

Do Minimum
Even though January tends to be a month of organizing life, joining/getting back into fitness, eat healthy, clear-out, etc. I find January a much more of a productive month if I don't put pressure on myself to get everything done all at once. It just comes naturally. Take one goal at a time and the rest will follow suit.

One of the first things I have done this month was organised my room, I am all about that tidy house, tidy mind motto. Therefore, I have given lots of old clothes to charity, thrown out of date makeup out and revamped my room up. I've definitely had a more positive and productive attitude since doing this. I have a 51 Things To Declutter post going up soon also.

'Me' Time
One of the things I mentioned in the 13 Things I've Learnt in 2017 post was that self-care is so important. Therefore, because January seems to be an intense and demanding month, I've made sure to give myself more time to myself. Things like reading more, skincare treats and having long baths, have made this month a lot more a little manageable.

Prioritize Your Money
Ha, it makes me laugh even writing this one down because money has definitely been the biggest stress this month. 5 week pays are the worst, especially when you are trying to recover from Christmas and have a trip to Iceland in February to buy for. I have however been checking my online banking every other day to see what payments come out on what days. I've also not been eating out as often this month, as that seems to be where all my money goes!

How are you surviving this dreary month??


  1. I'm barely surviving it! I really hate January and the weather doesn't help at all! :(


    1. I know it was a very odd month for weather!

      Katie ♥

  2. I am definitely feeling this 'do minimum' approach, lol. I've got a very love/hate relationship with January, haha.

    1. Oh really? Me too, January never really bothered me until now!

      Katie ♥

  3. These are really helpful tips! Me time is so important this time of year xxx

    1. Glad you liked the post! And yeah definitely is important!

      Katie ♥

  4. It's my birthday in January so it wasn't so bad, but u really needed my payday on Friday! Decluttering is a great tip :)

    1. Hope you had a lovely birthday! Oh payday has been and gone already for me!

      Katie ♥

  5. Hasn't January been the longest month ever!! I'm trying not to put pressure on myself this month and just get through the month as positively as I can!

    Abi | abistreetx

    1. It feels like it's been going on for a good 5 years! Aw that's a good tip definitely something everyone should try!

      Katie ♥

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