Friday, 19 January 2018

13 Things I've Learnt In 2017

How do you even start these thingy's off anymore? I am so out of sync I forgot what it's like to be sitting at my desk typing away. I guess I could start off by saying Happy New Year and hello 2018! I think it's fair to say I sucked last year at keeping up to date with my little blog, and although I did miss Katie's World of Beauty, a lot of personal things happened in my life that I needed to take a massive little break from this. 

Despite 2017 being quite possibly *no drama intended* the worst year I've ever experienced, I learnt a great deal and came out the other end a much stronger person. I miss writing, therefore, I am going to be writing much more content on here this year and decided to start the year off by wrapping up 2017 and sharing some things that I have learnt.

Even though 13 is ironically an unlucky number, here's 13 things I've learnt in 2017:

1. Life is just too damn short.
Life Lesson: I've learned this very well last year with two deaths in the family. Use time wisely and surround yourself with loved ones.

2. Eliminate what doesn't help you evolve.
Life Lesson: 2 words, 1 finger. Cut all negative vibes from your life, even if it seems impossible, you'll feel better in the long run.

3. Owning less is better than organizing more.
Life Lesson: I've been using more products I've forgotten about instead of buying new bits. I've also saved money doing so which is a bonus!

4. Self-care comes first.
Life Lesson: After doubting myself numerous times I have realised my health and well-being are so much more important than I thought.

5. You can't recycle wasted time.
Life Lesson: I've been using my time much more wisely and doing more things I keep telling myself I will do eventually: read more, watch my Netflix list, try new foods etc.

6. Salmon is amazing for my hair.
Life Lesson: I tried lots of food in 2017, one being salmon and it has completely changed how my hair looks!

7. I'm much stronger than I was in 2016.
Life Lesson: I don't mean I can lift a 2000kg car, I mean mentally I am a lot stronger than I was and can handle a lot more.

8. I'll always have spots.
Life Lesson: No matter how much money and research I spend on treating spots, I have come to the conclusion I am always going to get them even after the teenage years and to just accept it. Ugh.

9. Having local anaesthetic surgery isn't as bad as I thought.
Life Lesson: I have had a ganglion cyst on my left wrist for a good few years and decided to finally get it removed. I was awake during the operation, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I did, however, have a very numb arm for 24 hours which was...interesting.

10. Snuggling on the sofa watching Game of Thrones is my favourite thing.
Life Lesson: Need I say more?

11. Early nights are bliss.
Life Lesson: I am so over the 2am bedtimes, I much prefer to be tucked up in bed with a book or my boyfriend *hehe* at 10pm.

12. Let shit go.
Life Lesson: I spent an awfully long time rationalizing scenarios and getting anxious rather than just moving on. I've definitely learnt to let things go more and to not waste time worrying about pointless nonsense.

13. I don't like 2017 let's leave it behind.
Life Lesson: I found 2017 a dreadful year and a year I won't miss so let's hope 2018 is better!

What have you learnt in 2017??


  1. i think 2017 had been hard for everyone including me. hoping that 2018 will bring us joy and happiness. great post! x

    Erin Azmir

  2. Self care is so important!!! I hope 2018 is kinder to you xx

    Lauren |

    1. Thanks lovely, I hope you have a great 2018 too!

      Katie ♥

  3. Love this post. I'm sure 2018 is going to be a great year for you!

    Abi xo |

    1. Aw we can only hope so! Happy New Year to you!

      Katie ♥

  4. Loved reading this post! I learned a few of those lessons too :) Wishing you an amazing 2018!

    1. It's been a strange year to look at hasn't it!
      Wish you a great 2018 too!

      Katie ♥

  5. Yaaas Game of Thrones on the sofa. Doing this has become a ritual for me lately. Loved your list, best of luck in 2018! x

    1. It's so good isn't it? Shockingly having to wait another year till the next series is out though!

      All the best for this year!

      Katie ♥

  6. I learned loads about self care in 2017 - and I'm making sure I practice it in 2018. I've been having early nights, eating well and making plenty of time to rest, and I feel so good for it. xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

    1. Aw good for you lovely! I know having early nights is such a refreshing thing!

      Katie ♥

  7. Self-focus is probably the best one can do!

    x Mariya

  8. 2017 has been hard for a lot of people, so happy we are finally into a new year! Self care is so important and something that I am definitely going to be working more on :) xx

    Yasmina | The July Journal

    1. It's been an awful year hasn't it? Aw good luck lovely!

      Katie ♥

  9. I am an early night gal it is is the BEST.

    Sarah | More Than Adored

    1. Oh I am a changed woman, I love going to bed early now!

      Katie ♥

  10. I love this so much! Definitely learnt a few of these throughout 2017

    Abi | abistreetx


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