Thursday, 23 March 2017

How To Have A Spring Clean

How To Have A Spring Clean
You know that saying "tidy house, tidy mind", this quote is so true and is perfect for this time of year. I don't know about anybody else but, I don't feel as though I've totally got out of that winter slump unless I've had a spring clean. Over the past month I have thoroughly declutter-ed, reorganized and spring cleaned my entire bedroom, as well as my mum's. I found this so therapeutic and it really got me ready for the change in seasons. I've put together a little checklist of things you should consider to do in order to have a tidier mind.

1. Sell clothes you've not worn in over 6 months on Depop
2. Chuck out odd, holey socks
3. Fold away winter clothes and get your spring gear out
4. Throw odd earrings, broken pieces of jewellery
5. Pop some tulips or daffodils out
6. Fresh, clean bedding (ditch the mermaid blankets!)
7. Toss old receipts, bills, etc
8. Give unwanted DVDs, CDs or books to charity
9. Throw away expired beauty products (trust me this was hard for me!)
10. Toss pens low on ink
11. Reorganize your bookshelf, minimalism is key!
12. Take down any negative vibes (old photos, work)
13. Magazines you don't use can be used as deco
14. Wrapping paper scraps
15. Delete junk mail, screenshots, work - anything that doesn't need stored
16. Simplify your desk space
17. Pop motivational quotes, happy memories on your wall
18. Reorganize your skincare cabinet
19. Remove unused apps
20. Have a new look (hair dye, new makeup, new outfit) 

I have been trying to have a minimalist lifestyle lately and removing any toxic or unnecessary things in my life in order to move forward. Doing some of the above things have really made an impact and I definitely feel ready for spring!

What do you do to have a Spring Clean??


  1. Such great tips! I definitely need to go through my holey socks!

    Lou xx

  2. It's Autumn for us here in Aus but I've been doing lots of spring cleaning anyway- I've been going through my wardrobe, cleaning out my bedroom and tossing old pyjamas and clothes that I haven't worn in ages.

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

  3. Love this so much, Spring cleaning is one of my fav things to do <3 xx

  4. These are really super useful tips! I definitely need to get my act together more with clearing stuff on my desktop. I'm terrible for letting that clutter up my storage space!


  5. Great tips! very helpful :)


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