Thursday, 23 June 2016

A Six Month Goal Recap

A Six Month Goal Recap
I can't quite grasp the concept that it has been almost half a year already since I posted my 2016 Goals blog post. I could have sworn I was only eating the remains of my Christmas chocolate yesterday, oh well. For today's post, I decided to do a little bit of a recap on where I am with my 2016 goals and whether or not I have epically failed or conquered my 5 aims for this year.

Less Screen Time | Last year I felt as though I wasted a lot of my time sitting at my desktop scrolling through Youtube or any other form of social media and put all my other hobbies aside. Since then I haven't been on my desktop as often I make sure I come off hours in advance before bed and some days I don't even go on! Instead, I like to read a book, colour in or watch something good on Netflix. I get a much better nights sleep and I think it has decreased any stress or anxiety I sometimes get.

Keep Up To Date | I set myself a goal this year to try and keep up to date with going to the gym 3 days a week and keep up to date with any other life bits and bobs. Since then I have been attending the gym 3 times a week (unless I am working late!) and I have been keeping on track with my blog. It did take a while to get used to working and making time to blog but I try to aim for 3 blog posts a week.

Use More, Buy Less | I've definitely been using up more products that I have owned for a while but as for buying less...erm. I haven't been buying as much makeup as I used to but I do find I've been buying a lot more clothes or homeware. I still have the other half of the year to try and stop!

Blog More Me | I'm not too sure if I've incorporated more blog posts about me, I've definitely been sharing more of my life on my Instagram, but my blog hasn't changed as much. The only thing that's changed with my blog is I am writing a lot more lifestyle blog posts and swaying a little bit away from the world of beauty. 

Talk Fitness & Healthy | Following on from the above I set myself a goal to write more blog posts about health and fitness and I definitely think I have been. I like to write about motivation to workout, feeling good about yourself and other health-type blog posts.

Overall so far I don't think I've done too bad on my 2016 goals, I can definitely tick a couple of these off. However, the areas that still need improving on is buying less and blog more about me.

How are you getting on with your NYR's??


  1. Love these goals! I try to go gym at least 3 times a week too! X

  2. These are great goals and you're making really good progress on them!

    xo, Liz

    1. Aw thanks lovely that encourages me to try and keep them up haha

      Katie ♥

  3. Happy to hear you've been hitting up the gym more! I don't think I could be able to motivate myself to work out with a bunch of other, sweaty guys that may or may not intimidate me haha. This month, I've also been aiming for 3 blog posts a week, and it seems to be going well- I'm getting a lot more response! My original New Year's resolutions were to drink a bottle of water per day (not going too well, haha), spend more time with friends (yes! Ever since the weather got warmer this has been happening, & start blogging (which has obviously taken course!) xxx

    1. It is quite hard some times especially after work. Oh well done on those! Drinking water is quite hard sometimes I drink a lot but I think its cause its became a routine for me. Maybe try having it with lemon or in a cute bottle!

      Katie ♥

  4. These are such good goals, they're so much more realistic than some I've seen. I really like the idea of trying to go to the gym more :) Do you not feel really tired after work?!

    1. Yes very tired but I think going with someone is motivation cause you don't always want to text them letting them down!

      Katie ♥

  5. I love the idea of doing a year goal recap around this time - it would be fab to see how far I've come in terms of what I wanted to do. I've been on the use more, buy less regime too and it's been really tough, but I've spent so much less money on things I don't really need!

    Steph -

    1. Make one I would love to read it. Oh I feel you we can do this!

      Katie ♥

  6. At least someone can keep their goal of going to the gym more because I definitely didn't, oops hahaha! I think your goal of use more, buy less is a great goal- especially to help save money!
    Cloe X

    1. Thanks Cloe, oh trust me I've struggled lately to go to the gym but everyone gets those times!

      Katie ♥

  7. I love the idea of a goal recap. I've just posted a London goal post so I'll definitely think about going a recap! The idea of using products up more is brilliant, I am guilty of being so much when I have ridiculous amounts to use already!

    Hannah xx

    1. You should make one I'd definitely give it a read! I've actually discovered a lot more products I forgot I even had by doing this!

      Katie ♥

  8. I love this idea, well done you on being able to tick a couple off! I've definitely been buying less and using more too, it's nice to see some of my drawers actually getting a little lighter rather than more products always pilling up!

    Catherine | Hey, Mama

    1. thanks lovely! Oh I know I never used to be able to open my top drawer with products!

      Katie ♥

  9. Well done on keeping to your goals, so far I've been slipping behind (my goals involved a reading challenge and I had pneumonia and it dropped me behind by a month.) so I'm going to start working hard on getting back up there

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. Thank you! Oh my god I hope you are ok now??

      Katie ♥

  10. Loves these goals! Good post :))!

    Charlotte xxx


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