Wednesday, 20 April 2016

10 Things We Are Too Lazy To Do

10 Things We Are Too Lazy To Do
Admit it you were just too lazy to clean those makeup brushes yesterday that have needed a good scrub for over a week now. We all have a list of things in our heads that we know we should get round to doing, but instead, we use the 'I'll do it tomorrow' excuse repeatedly and they never get done. I have been telling myself for the past two weeks that I will make a opticians appointment tomorrow but I still haven't, oops.

Here is a list of things we are too lazy to do (hopefully you can relate!)

1.) Clean Makeup Brushes - How many days have you told yourself you'll wash them tomorrow but instead, you keep using the three-week unwashed makeup brushes. 

2.) Get Your Ends Trimmed - You know deep down your ends are looking dead but spending £20-£30 on food or makeup just seems more bank account friendly.

3.) Update CV - You go on your desktop to update your CV but 20 minutes later you find yourself watching funny cat videos on Youtube. Maybe tomorrow there's no rush to adult life.

4.) Throw Away Receipts - I like to store all of my receipts in my handbag so I look like I could be a cast member from Sex And The City, but secretly they are all Tesco receipts for chocolate chip cookies and smoothies.

5.) Workout At 6am - If I sleep an extra hour in bed I won't have dark circles or want to kill anyone, plus I can go after work to the gym where I will be waiting 5 minutes to use the squat rack and not get home until 7pm.

6.) Sharpen Makeup Pencils - You would rather have wooden splinters in your lips than even think about sharpening those lip liners.

7.) Clean Your Emails - You have over 2000 unread emails and subscription emails from places you've never even heard of. But you just don't have the time to go through 2000 emails.

8.) Click 'Next Episode' On Netflix - It'll automatically do it for me anyways because Netflix loves me and does what I say.

9.) Chuck Out Holey Clothing - Unless the hole is the size of a ball I am wearing these pink dinosaur socks. Till death do us part

10.) Get Up To Pee - If I get up to pee it will interrupt me from typing my blog post and make me lose my train of thought!

What things are you too lazy to do??


  1. Lol VISIONARY. I am soo with you on get up to pee!!! That was the best! Haha
    I'm too lazy to wash my hair.

    Humor & Lifestyle //

    1. Washing your hair can be such a nightmare though, especially if you come in late and have uni the next morning

      Katie ♥

  2. Haha! This is so funny and true! My makeup brushes so need to be cleaned but then I need to go out and one needs makeup brushes all the time!!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram

    1. Oh I know, I literally once had to wash them as soon as I used them and stick them on the radiator!

      Katie ♥

  3. I really wish I didn't find myself agreeing to every single one of these! I LOVE these kind of posts, and hilariously.. I really need a wee!

    Beka. xo | littleworldofbeka

    1. I am so glad you liked the post and go pee!!

      Katie ♥

  4. Aha this was a funny post - and scarily true! The last definitely had me laughing!! xx

    Phoebe & Abida |

  5. Clicking next on Netflix got me! Hahah - this is all too true

    1. I just cannot fault Netflix after that!

      Katie ♥

  6. Oh my goodness, this was so funny & relatable! I am finally cleaning my makeup brushes today. Long overdue, but fortunately I bought some new brush cleaner! I'm excited to see how it works out.

    PS I've been lurking on your blog for months. I love it!


    1. It is so hard to clean makeup brushes though if you wear makeup everyday! Aw thank you Kate that's so nice of you!

      Katie ♥

  7. Going through my emails is a big must for me, but just haven't gotten around to do it . . . oops. lol! xo

    McKenzie |

  8. Haha I agree with every single one of these!

    L x

  9. Replies
    1. That is so hard to do though, like I love sleep too much!

      Katie ♥

  10. I loved this post! The Netflix flicking is so true I'm way too lazy 🙈 X

  11. Loved reading this! It's just sooo relatable haha x

  12. Hahahahah I am definitely guilty of all these things. Getting up to pee is such a waste of time!!

    Aisling | aisybee.

  13. Hahah, this is a brilliant list, I am guilty of every single one of these at some time or another. Gave me a good chuckle at myself, but it's good to be lazy sometimes... right!?

    Becky at

    1. Glad you liked the post Becky and I know!

      Katie ♥

  14. Hahaha literally my life in a blog post! Why should I wake up at 6 to workout when I could do it at 7...maybe 8...probably 9!
    Cloe X


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