Monday, 21 March 2016

5 Tips To Give Yourself A Spring Clean

5 Tips To Give Yourself A Spring Clean
Whenever a new season is upon us I always like to give certain things a little bit of a 'spring clean'. Since spring is practically around the corner, I mean, shops of filled with Easter egg chocolate and bright, yellow daffodils. I figured now was the perfect time to give myself a bit of a spring clean and blog about some of the things you could perhaps change yourselves!

1. De-clutter The Wardrobe | In the UK the weather is not that warm enough yet to ditch the jumpers for my liking but, I have been wearing more of my jackets. Once the weather warms up its good to clear out all your fluffy, dark clothes, bung them into a drawer and pop out your pastel shades.

2. Makeup Change - I have ditched my glittery gold eyeshadows and purple lipsticks for more nude and pink shades recently. It's good to change your makeup routine up every now and then it makes you more excited to try products you've forgotten all about!

3. Change Your Room Around - Pop to the shop and pick up the brightest daffodils you can find, burn some floral candles and even change your duvet to something more spring/summery. I've got some daffodils in my bedroom and I've changed things around in my room just to get me out of that winter vibe.

4. Change Your Look - Perhaps winter has made you want to work out more frequently or get a new hairstyle? Now is the perfect time to make those changes. I always find once the weather warms up and the days get longer I am more motivated to get things done, instead of coming home and going straight into my Disney pyjamas.

5. Change Your Hobbies - Let's face it in winter we would come home have a hot bath, stick our pyjamas on and watch something on Netflix. Now that the days are longer and it's getting dark around 7/8 perhaps make the most of the day. Go for a late run, walk home from work and try to get more out of your days.

What do you do for a 'spring clean'?? 


  1. Decluttering my wardrobe is certainly the first step. :]

    // ▲ ▲

    1. It's nice to see pastel colours in my wardrobe again :)

      Katie ♥

  2. Clean my wardrobe, it is the first thing that I will do and change my everyday makeup routine! Yayy for pink lips and pastel nails :)


    1. Definitely always paint my nails a pastel colour!

      Katie ♥

  3. I'm very excited to change my makeup for more pinkish shades!
    Paula |

  4. Great tips! Decluttering my wardrobe is a must this time of year!

    xo, Liz

    1. Thank you! And oh definitely it's nice to get a bit of colour in there

      Katie ♥

  5. I'm going to spring clean my room (AKA MY LIFE) this Easter weekend and I can't wait :)

    Sophie x

  6. Such a great post!! I need to spring clean my flat so bad. I always feel good after a spring clean

    CharlotteSamantha //

    1. Thanks Charlotte and I agree your mind is at ease when you do!

      Katie ♥

  7. Lovely tips! I need to sort my flat so bad haha! So much junk everywhere!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram

    1. Aw thank you Stacey and I know my room was a tip too!

      Katie ♥

  8. Such good tips - I actually just decluttered my wardrobe this weekend and it felt so good to get rid of all the unwanted clothes!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. Thank you Lucy! Oh me too it really does make a difference having a tidier wardrobe!

      Katie ♥

  9. I love cleaning out my wardrobe. Its the best way to feel cleansed :)


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