Thursday, 31 March 2016

11 Types Of People At The Gym

Types Of People At The Gym
Since joining the gym last summer I have picked up on a lot of reoccurring people that seem to always be there in their natural habitat. Remember that scene from Mean girls where we are introduced to the layout of the high school lunchroom? The greatest people in the world, the worst etc? Well, the gym is exactly like that but a whole lot smellier. 

Today I wanted to write a light-hearted blog post on the different types of people you always see at the gym.

1. The Grunters - Now I can totally understand why people let out heavy breaths when they are working out that's completely normal. However what is peculiar is sounding like a fast car that changes gear with an 'shhh' noise, every single time you squat. I thought I was at a gym, not a race car track.

2. The Old Ripped Guy - There is guaranteed always at least one oldish man at the gym who rocks up alone in a stringer that just screams steroids. This guy tends to just get on with his workout and minds his own business whilst sipping his pre/post whatever workout drink. Surely at that age, you want to be on vacation somewhere enjoying life, right?

3. The Lurker - Oh my goodness these are probably the worst types of people at the gym. You have just started working on the squat rack and there's someone standing to wait to use it even though you've told them you have another 3 sets to do. Like please do something else and stop lurking over me it's off-putting.

4. The Hogger - Another very annoying one is those people at the gym who just hog everything. Unless you've somehow gained the strength to grow three more pairs of arms you do not need 4 sets of dumbbells. I've legit witnessed someone pick up four or five sets of dumbbells just to use themselves.

5. The Texter - There's always someone who takes a far too long break during a workout just to sit on their phone and text. Like come on, text later some of us want to be home for 9pm for The Walking Dead.

6. The Makeup Queen - Don't get me wrong if I've got dark circles or a couple of spots I will dab some concealer over them but that will be all. I'm talking about those girls who'll rock up with a full face of makeup, surely that isn't hygienic right?

7. The Person Who Does Nothing - We all get those days where we can't be bothered to workout but seriously, I've witnessed a couple who have just sat on a machine and just talked.

8. The Guy Who Thinks He's On Holiday - When you go to the gym you want to be wearing something comfortable right? So how earth is wearing flip flops normally? I hope he isn't going on the treadmill.

9. The Newbie - Of course when you first start the gym you have to get familiar with the machines and what you want to train. It's actually quite awkward to watch someone who isn't doing hammer curls correctly or has the wrong posture.

10. The Flexer - Just stop flexing your muscles or taking selfies at the gym, please.

11. The Sweaty One - Sweating is totally normal and un-judged upon at the gym, but I will totally judge you if you've been on a machine before me and not cleaned up after you.

What types of people do you see at the gym??


  1. This made me laugh haha - literally so relatable, although I was that newbie once!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. I know we all were! It's good to look back on those moments!

      Katie ♥

  2. There always seems to be a girl with flawless makeup who doesn't bother to try hard enough to work a sweat!

    Steph -

    1. I just don't see the point in wasting good makeup!

      Katie ♥

  3. I always go to a female-only gym, I get properly nervous by big muscly guys doing their thing whilst I'm sweaty jelly mess!! x

    1. I know what you mean, I can feel quite intimidated by it

      Katie ♥

  4. Hahaha I laugh so much with the post! I can totally relate to everything, but number once is su true! The flexer is so funny, sometimes I think that they are looking at me but then I realized they are looking at themselves and their muscles haha.

    1. Glad you liked the post Paula! haha I know it's a little bit strange when they do that but normal at the same time

      Katie ♥

  5. Haha this is a great post and I agree with all these but especially with people doing nothing. I witnessed two girls yesterday that were just sitting for about 30 minutes just talking and doing nothing!! Omg why dont you just leave, go to the next starbucks, grab a coffee and chat for as long as you like and leave the machine alone!!! Hahaha!

    1. Thank you! I don't understand why they don't just grab a coffee especially if people are wanting to use the machine after

      Katie ♥

  6. Ha ha ha this is such a great post...I actually laughed out loud at the guy who thinks he's going on holiday! I have yet to see someone in flip flops in my gym but with summer coming up I think that might change. Rest assured I'll definitely laugh when I see them and think of this post!

    xx La Coco Noire

    1. Thank you! Oh believe me that was one of the strangest things I've ever seen!

      Katie ♥

  7. Haha! So true! I can't stand the people who are taking photos all the bloody time! It's so annoying but then again if I looked like them I think I would lol! - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. I think I would take photos to see improvements but I would do it at home or in bathroom

      Katie ♥

  8. spot on!

  9. Hahahaha the accuracy in this post is insane! Loved it!
    Cloe X

  10. omg this is waaaaay too accurate lol, nothing worse than having to wipe someone else's sweat off a machine!!! gross.

    Rach X

  11. I'm ALWAYS the sweaty one... what an attractive look! Haha, my personal faves are the makeup queens though... how on earth do you find time to do your makeup before you go the gym!?! Surely it's so bad for your skin too? Becky at

    1. Don't worry I am too especially after leg day! I have no idea, I mean I can understand if you go straight from work but surely you'd feel sweaty and gross?

      Katie ♥


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