Monday, 8 February 2016

6 Apps That Will Save Your Life

5 Apps That Will Save Your Life
Not literally are apps going to save our lives, I mean that would be pretty weird/intriguing if they could right? But on a more serious note, I have gathered a variety of apps that I think could save you so much stress, time and get you more organised with your life. These are apps I have either used before or are using right now that have benefited me and are perfect to download for New Year.

1.) MyFitnessPal | Let's get the healthy app out of the way first, MyFitnessPal is an app that keeps track on what you are eating a day. This is great if you are wanting to find out the nutrition on the food you are eating and whether it is good for you. It can also count how many calories you are consuming which is good if you are maintaining your weight. 

2.) Hydro Coach | If you forget to drink enough water throughout the day this app is perfect for you. Hydro Coach is a drink reminding app that tracks your intake of water and alerts you if you need to drink more. It can get annoying with the notifications but it does the trick!

3.) Mint Money Manager | With Christmas done and dusted a lot of us are trying to keep track of where our money goes. Mint is one of the best apps to track your spends as this app can link up to your bank accounts and break them down with weekly bank statements.

4.) Calm | If you find it difficult to switch off or get a good nights sleep Calm is the perfect app for that. This app can help with anxiety, relax you and get you a good nights sleep with soothing music and scenes.

5.) Valued Opinions | Sign up on a desktop and download this app to fill out surveys on the go and receive a reward for doing so. I like this app because if you are travelling to work and have 20 minutes to kill you could fill out a survey and receive a couple of pounds. It may not seem much but it adds up until you can receive store vouchers, it's technically free money so!

6.) Jurassic World Game | This game has taken over my life recently to the point where I almost spent money to receive more points! You build your own dinosaur theme park and train them up to fight against other dinosaurs to win money and unlock levels. Such an addictive game!

What is your life-saving app??


  1. I love this post! I definitely need to look into these apps. The Jurrasic World Game sounds amazing.

    My life saving app has to be Wonderlist. I love it so much. I'm obsessed.

    Humor & Lifestyle //

    1. I love Jurassic World it has taking over my life completely!

      Katie ♥

  2. PS. I noticed your phone and I think you would enjoy my newest humor post "Saying Goodbye To My Samsung Galaxy S4" at

  3. Valued Opinions sounds AMAZING! I'm downloading that and hydro coach on my phone as I type!

    Steph -

    1. Aw I am so glad you found this post useful!

      Katie ♥

  4. Calm and myfitnesspal are amazing!! I know what you mean with calm and I don't why I stopped using it, is so good and relaxing. Thanks for reminded me to download it again!!

    1. You are very welcome! It is one of those apps you forget about!

      Katie ♥

  5. I have a water drink reminder app too and even though the notifications are an absolute pain, its definitely a huge lifesaver! I definitely need to check out that calm app, it sounds amazing! x
    Aisling | Aislings beauty bytes

    1. Oh I know I've sometimes deleted the app because of the notifications!

      Katie ♥

  6. I need Hydro Coach in my life! I always forget to drink enough water! Great post :D I love Money Manager apps too - I don't use Mint though, I've been using Money Dashboard which I love - so easy to see where all the money is going :)

    John ¦ Shout John

    1. Such a great app to remind you to do so! And thank you so glad you liked the post :)

      Katie ♥

  7. These apps sounds really great! I might have to get onto Calm, especially when the stress gets going. I have MyFitnessPal but I don't really use it anymore because I eat so much crap at the moment that I can't bring myself to enter it in.

    I really like PhotoGrid and Snapseed for editing photos, Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector and QuizUp for games (at one stage I was in the Top 10 for my country in the Jane Austen category), and to keep me organised. No apps designed to save my life per se, but I do have my state's CrimeStoppers app (just in case) and my phone does have a security feature that I ready myself to use if I ever feel like I'm in a situation where I'm uncomfortable.

    Shae xo
    Diary of a Beauty Padawan

    1. I would definitely recommend it for stress, it really does relax you. I don't blame you MFP is one of those apps that can drive you crazy

      Oh wow that is so impressive! I do love a good quiz game.

      Katie ♥

  8. I am a MFP addict - I use it to track my macros and link it to my FitBit & Map My Run to get s really good overview of how active I've been - it really helps to monitor my IBS patterns & so on too.

    Emma |

    1. Aw I like the sound of Map My Run, I should keep track of those things a bit more often

      Katie ♥

  9. I didn't know Mint was available to use in the UK finally! I've been hearing americans rave about it for years.

    Rachel |

    1. It depends what phone you have! Perhaps try searching on Google :)

      Katie ♥

  10. I love My Fitness Pal! There are times where I'm obsessed with it and log everything in, and then there are days where I completely neglect it.
    The apps you've mentioned sound really interesting so I think I'll give them a go!
    I've heard of valued opinions and similar apps but I always feel like there's a catch to them and I become a tad bit paranoid about how much information I give.


    1. I know I am the same, I neglect it when I can't handle the truth! No I am the same there is no catch to this one :)

      Katie ♥

  11. I love myfitnesspal, I really should start using it again!! x

    Holly ∣ Closingwinter

    1. Great time to start is now with it being a new year!

      Katie ♥

  12. Aww I love calm! It's so good and it really works and it's so good for thise anxious moments during the day too.
    I was also very hooked the Jurassic world a while ago :D
    Loved this post! :)
    Emma xxx

    www.wellemma com

    1. I agree, I find it so relaxing to use! Oh I feel like I am obsessed with the app I am on it everyday!

      Katie ♥

  13. I have recently discovered my love for relaxation music. Give me a nice flute and some raindrops and I am completely sold & relaxed. So far I´ve used an app called Relax Melodies for it, but calm seems like something to look into as well
    xx Lisa | Following Lisa

    1. Aw that sounds very relaxing, I like the sound of the beach or rain so I might try and find an app with those

      Katie ♥

  14. I need MintMoneyManager in my life asap aha.

    Sophie x

    1. I love being on top of my money I must admit!

      Katie ♥

  15. I love my fitness pal, just started using it and seeing some good results!!


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