Friday, 8 January 2016

Simple Ways To Be Active This New Year

Simple Ways To Be Active This New Year
So you've stuffed your face with all the sweet mince pies, Quality Streets and mulled wine over the Christmas and now you are left with the guilt. New Year tends to be the time people make resolutions to get fit, eat healthier and join the gym. I always find it a real struggle getting back into a routine after having so much time off to eat and chill. But for today's post, I wanted to share with you all some simple ways to motivate yourself to keep fit and healthy.

1. New Year, New Gear - What better excuse is there to shop than to tell yourself you need to buy some new gear in order to gain the motivation to workout. With the January sales on now is the perfect time to pick up some bargains. Missguided have lots of sales on including their fitness range. I think having a new outfit can really motivate you to go to the gym and show it off!

2. Create A Playlist - Did you receive a lot of new albums on Christmas Day? Well, that's the perfect excuse to get them on your iTunes and create a workout playlist. Listening to music is a great way of keeping active in the New Year. It is also a good way to just zone out and focus purely on the workout.

3. Be Realistic - Some people stress and worry so much about getting fit they don't know where to begin or how many days to go. It is always handy to write down a simple routine and it could be as simple as Monday - 10 minute on the treadmill, 3 sets on the leg press, 30 squats etc. Maybe even Youtube some at home or gym workouts for beginners, just give yourself a bit of a day-to-day structure.

4. Find A Buddy - I do think having a workout buddy helps keep you motivated and are great to have for spotting if you go to the gym. If you are joining the gym or wanting to attend some classes, having a partner with you could make the whole experience a lot more entertaining. I go with my boyfriend to the gym and it tends to fly over a lot faster and he helps motivate me when I'm not feeling up to it.

5. Have An Aim - Don't just get active because it's New Year and everybody else has, do it because you want to and give yourself a reason why. Everybody has different reasons mine is to tone up and just feel healthier about myself. If you are wanting to keep active write a post it note on your wardrobe and remind yourself why you are keeping fit, it may just be that little light switch in your brain to get you motivated. 

6.) Think of the outcomes - Some people have images on their phones or walls on what they want to look like, some have that dress they love in a smaller size their aim to fit into it and others write or even think about what their reasons are for to get active. When you are lost and feeling unmotivated take a step back and think about why you joined the gym or are wanting to keep fit in the first place and what you want to look like. 

What are your tips on staying active this New Year??


  1. Creating a playlist is such an important one for me, it really helps to motivate! x


    1. I agree!It's great when you have unmotivated days too I think

      Katie ♥

  2. I think having an aim and a training buddy is always helpful : ) and when you see your body changing and improving - there is nothing better! xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

    1. Oh I know I think once you see a difference it motivates you so much more!

      Katie ♥

  3. I always find that new work out clothes get me feeling more inspired to get back into my routine! Primark actually have some really cute basics at the moment! Having someone to train with always helps to motivate me too!

    1. I just bought some new gear and it has definitely made me want to go show it off and workout!

      Katie ♥

  4. I've started going the gym with Jem and it motivates you SO much, got new gear and I'm being realistic. NYE Fitness buddies can be the best! Xx

    1. Aw gym buddies are great for motivation!

      Katie ♥

  5. Needed this! Just the right amount of inspiration before I tackle the gym again at uni


  6. I think this is a great post to inspire everyone to start being more active :) I am also trying to get myself going with some home workouts and running sometimes. Hope you have a great active year!

    Feel free to check out my blog also :) x

    Claudia |

    1. Glad you think that thankyou! I hope you do too!

      Katie ♥

  7. Great tips! I've recently started going running again with my boyfriend once a week, but I want to start doing work outs each day to keep fit and healthy x

    1. I used to love going running with my boyfriend but since we joined the gym we never run anymore but I do miss it!

      Katie ♥

  8. New gym gear and a gym buddy always help!! I couldn't agree more about being realistic, you don't want to make unrealistic goals and then feel disappointed with yourself because it only knocks your motivation! x

    1. I think a lot of people do that, or they'll punish their body too much and it doesn't work well!

      Katie ♥

  9. Love the tips and I so love getting new gear as it is motivating. I'm not into the gym much but I take dance several times a week and buying new clothes for it really is a booster.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

    1. I would love to join a dance class as I think dancing really destresses me and it's so much fun!

      Katie ♥

  10. Awesome Ideas & advice! Thanks, I am making my New Years Goals now ;)
    x, Brianna

    1. Thank you! And good luck with your goals :)

      Katie ♥

  11. Buying new clothes, creating a playlist and being realistic are super important points! Also I think that getting up early really helps me :)

    1. I have been to the gym once or twice in the mornings and I think it is a lot more awakening but I prefer evenings!

      Katie ♥

  12. I have the same trainers and I love them haha - one of my goals is to keep more fit this year, and I've already started some workouts through watching Youtube videos, great post!

    Lucy |

    1. Aw you have good taste! I used to always watch Youtube videos for routines etc I may try that again!

      Katie ♥

  13. Those trainers are lovely! I am trying to keep fit this year but so far it is not going well..oops

    Elizabeth -

    1. Aw thank you! And don't worry about it you have loads of time!

      Katie ♥

  14. New gym gear helps so much.. look good feel good! Also thinking of the outcomes, couldn't be anything more motivational. I love this post and your photography! Great post.

    Hannah xx

    1. I agree! It makes such a difference as all you want to do is show it off and make use of it. Thanks lovely!

      Katie ♥


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