Sunday, 17 January 2016

My Top 6 Motivational Quotes

My Top 5 Motivational Quotes
It's always a challenge ditching the Christmas pyjamas you've lived in for 2 weeks for work pants and the sweet mince pies for the healthy salad. Once the New Year kicks in I find my motivation just flies out the window with Santa Claus. Whether its motivation to exercise, go back to work, blog, start assignments or to healthy eating, they can be quite difficult to master after the festive period.

Today I am sharing my top 6 inspirational, motivating quotes that'll remind you why you started in the first place and hopefully get you out of those snowman pyjamas!

"Yesterday. Now. Tomorrow."
Rather than focusing on what mistakes happened yesterday or how many things you have to get done in the next month, think about today and make it a success. You have more motivation to succeed if you just focus on now!

"Remember Why You Started"
When you are so far into completing or achieving something you can sometimes forget the meaning behind it. It's nice to take a step back and remind yourself why you started in the first place and what you want to get out of it too. I read this quote a lot when I was stressed at university and it really helped clear my mind.

"Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones"
I found this a really inspiring quote when I was at home doing uni projects all the time, I would go out for an hour for a walk or go to the gym. It really helped give me a clearer head and motivated me to be more enthusiastic about working. I think this is a good quote to read if you work at home a lot too as sometimes you get so used to being at home you are missing out on what is outside.

"Put On Your Positive Pants"
I think this quote could be a metaphor for anything really, whether it's wearing your new lipstick, spraying your best perfume or creating your favourite meal for dinner. Simple things like that can give you the motivation to do something. I am always motivated to go the gym if I am wearing my favourite gear or if I eat something yummy for dinner at work. Those simple things can make your mood change!

"You Can't Get Much Done in Life if You Only Work On Days You Feel Good"
I feel like this is a quote that really knocks some sense into me for motivation to do things (especially the gym). I am forever telling myself I can't go to the gym because I have spots or bad dark circles, this quote just gives me the boost to tell myself to not give a sh** and just do it. You have to power through all good and bad days to see success!

"Quitters Don't Win, Winner's Don't Quit"
A bit like the quote above but this one has stayed with me ever since I was doing my A Levels at school. If you quit things easily or only do things on days you feel good this is a one to look at for motivation. You don't win or achieve anything if you give up quickly, you need to stay focused and think about the outcome if you stick at it.

What are your motivational quotes??


  1. I love "Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones" because it's true, you can never achieve anything great if you stay in your comfort zone doing the same things over and over again, you need to take a step to the unknown outside of your comfort zone every once in a while!

    My favourite motivational quote is quite similar "Everything you want is on the other side of fear". Even if you're afraid of doing something sometimes you just gotta do it in order to get what you want.

    1. It's nice to see the outside too it can give you more inspiration to do things I believe! That's a good quote it makes a lot of sense too!

      Katie ♥

  2. Remember why you started is the one I always said to myself when I really don't want to workout! haha. And I love the one that said "you can't get much done in life if you only work on days you feel good" A lot of times I don't feel like taking pictures or doing other things for the blog bc I'm super tired but it's like you said, you have to power through that days too. Great post :)

    1. It's a good quote to go by for so many different reason! Aw I am glad you liked that quote too!

      Katie ♥

  3. These are all so empowering! I'm definitely going to keep this post bookmarked to remind myself of these when I'm having a down/off day! x

    ellie etc | a personal style & lifestyle blog

  4. I love the 'put on your positive pants' one - I've never heard that before!

    1. Haha I couldn't not include it, so simple!

      Katie ♥

  5. I loved all of these :-) Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. I love reading quotes, especially the "great things don't come from comfort zones" one! It's so true xx


    1. I think they are good reassurance as well sometimes we can get so caught up into something!

      Katie ♥

  7. Loved this post :) Agree with the Comfort Zone one, this is something I'm personally trying to work on :)

    ♦The Jewel Beauty Blog♦ || Would love you to stop by! ツ

    1. Glad you liked the post and hope it goes well!

      Katie ♥

  8. The "great things don't come from comfort zones" is a really inspiring quote to help me do things I'm not used to! Great post :)

    1. Thanks lovely glad you liked it and agree on that one!

      Katie ♥

  9. these are so true! I know I need motivational inspiration!

    1. I might stick a few on my wall to remind myself!

      Katie ♥

  10. I'm loving 'Put on your positive pants'! This is a great way to start the week, thank you for posting :)
    - Ambar x
    Her Little Loves

  11. i love a good old quote, these picks are definitely ones to live by!


    1. I might have to scatter them around my bedroom to remind me!

      Katie ♥

  12. I´m forever falling for motivational quotes. I even hung some up in picture frames above my tv. I do need to remind myself to actually do what they say. I think it can be easy to find a nice quote, get motivated for about a minute and then just bury it in your mind somewhere and never act on it. I really want to change that though!
    xx Lisa | Following Lisa

    1. Oh how lovely I need to do this! I agree with you it's nice to have a quote infront of you to see!

      Katie ♥

  13. These are all such amazing quotes and so inspiring! I find having things like this around me really help!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram


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