Monday, 4 January 2016

My Goals For 2016

goals for 2016
I am a bit of a scrooge when it comes to a New Year, mostly because it is the end of Christmas for another year. I never really believed in setting New Year resolutions, I have always been someone who if I want to do something I do it when I want and not wait until New Year to put pressure on myself. I do however set myself goals on what I'd like to achieve so I decided to share them with you! 

2016 Goals...

Less Screen Time | For the past month or so I haven't been on my desktop for any longer than 2/3 hours (if blogging). I used to spend a lot of evenings sat at a screen working on uni projects, catching up on social media or blogging, but now I use that time to watch a film or read a book. I've found this quite therapeutic too as I am now rediscovering old hobbies I forgot about. It is nice to unwind in the evenings away from work or a computer screen.

Keep Up To Date | I have decided to try and keep up to date with going to the gym 3 days a week, get my driving lessons started again and keep up to date with any other life bits and bobs. Since having a job I haven't had the time to do any so, this year I plan to get more organised and make time for them!

Use More, Buy Less | I have decided to put myself on a spending ban, no more buying makeup that I don't need and to start using the products I do have, otherwise, my makeup drawer may collapse. I have been wearing more of my expensive makeup recently to get some use out of them and I will continue to do so to save some money!

Blog More Me | I've felt as though for the past few months my blog has been a lot of reviews, tips etc and a lot less about me. I've decided to either start writing monthly catch up posts or incorporate more about me in blog posts.

Talk Fitness & Healthy | When I first started blogging I was strictly wanting to write reviews and share my love for beauty. 2 years later I am talking about lifestyle, home and I want to write more about health and fitness, as it is something I starting to really find enjoyable. 

What are your 2016 goals??


  1. Some great goals here, I would like to spend more time with my friends and family making memories! x

  2. I feel I need to cut down on my screen time, I'll find myself on my laptop all night, I'll just be jumping from sight to sights doing noting important. Good luck with all your goals!

    1. I used to do that too, but since the end of last year I haven't and it has made me so much happier. Good luck with yours!

      Katie ♥

  3. I really want to make sure I have less screen time.

    Sophie x

    1. Wish us both luck! So far so good and it does make me a lot happier

      Katie ♥

  4. These are really great resolutions. The one about having more downtime away from a screen is a good idea and I'm sure its pretty good for you. Making your blog more personal is always a good goal- I love finding out more about the person behind the blog :)

    Julz Obsessions xx

    1. Glad you liked them! I need the weather to brighten up a little to take photographs!

      Katie ♥

  5. These are great goals, good luck in accomplishing them!

    xo, Liz

    1. Aw thank you and good luck with yours if you've made any!

      Katie ♥

  6. Love the monthly catch up post idea! :) I definitely feel like I want to put more of ME in my blog too!

    1. You should! I love reading those type of posts :)

      Katie ♥

  7. I need to use more and buy less for sure, I am going to try and save a bit this year so I will need to put that into place in my own life! I want to concentrate on happiness this year, and doing what makes me happy
    Ottilie | O is for Ottilie

    1. Aw I am the same, it's made me happier not being sat at a screen every day

      Katie ♥

  8. I want to blog more about me! I'm really looking forward to read your catch ups 😊

    1. You should I love reading them! And I'm going to try!

      Katie ♥

  9. I love your goals :) the one about buying less and using more, is something I have been doing for almost 100 days now and it feels so sooo good! I have a lovely makeup collection but it got to the point where I was just adding more and more and more and not using anything up! Its also great to start using more expensive makeup up because sadly it all have an expiration date, I used to be really cautious when using expensive stuff but I've come to the conclusion that I paid for it with my hard earned money so I shall now use it up ^_^
    Iqra | The Blushing Giraffe x

    1. Oh wow impressive! I need to know your secrets?! My makeup collection isn't massive and I use most of the products thankfully! I just don't want to see anything go to waste

      Katie ♥

  10. I loved reading this post! I definitely need to adopted 'Less Screen Time' onto my list. It is so easy to just to let time past on you phone/laptop. I've been on a little beauty ban myself, it feels great actually finishing up a product and then it gives you time to figure out what you want next!

    Lucy // a little of lucy

    1. Aw thanks Lucy so nice to hear. I know I must admit I do feel a lot happier turning off my screen and reading or coloring in! I know I am the same using up a lot of old products that I've loved!

      Katie ♥

  11. I shall try! And yes fingers crossed for us both!

    Katie ♥

  12. These are great goals, I want to be more organised this year so I have more time to blog! x

    1. Lets hope I stick to them! Yeah I think organisation is a good one!

      Katie ♥

  13. Indeed January can be dreary, it can be quite exciting as well though because a new year meana new opportunities! You are so right saying that being positive is so important!!
    Paula |

    1. I have mixed feelings for the New Year, I am always left with Christmas sadness that it's over!

      Katie ♥


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