Wednesday, 6 January 2016

How To Stay Positive In January

How To Stay Positive In January
Ugh. It's January. Which means it's a New Year, which means Christmas is another 11/12 months away. A New Year can seem quite dreary and gloomy which can often make the month drag. We are starting to feel the guilt after eating all those sweet mince pies, our bank accounts are running short and going back to reality is happening dreadfully fast.

The only good news about it being January is the amazing sales and the leftover chocolate from Christmas to keep us going. Today I decided to write a post on simple ways to stay positive during January.

1. Spring Clean - When you pull down those Christmas decorations the rooms start to look bare and dismal. Take this opportunity to give your house a spring clean, buy some fresh flowers, clear out all your old clothes and open a Depop page to sell some unwanted bits. A tidy space means a tidy mind!

2. Be Productive - New Year is the perfect excuse to buy a new diary, notebooks and a calendar. Make January your motivational month for organizing upcoming events, blog posts etc. I've been jotting down a lot of blog post ideas for the next couple of weeks just to get me started and feeling motivated.

3. Take Some Me Time - One of my goals was to spend less time on my laptop in the evenings and more time doing other hobbies. I do think it is important to take some 'me time' every evening. Whether it's having a hot chocolate whilst reading a chapter of a new book, a little pampering bath or watch a film with some chocolate. Having some time to yourself and doing things you enjoy can give you a positive attitude.

4. Keeping Healthy - For a lot of people, January is seen as getting back into fitness month. We are all full with guilt off eating all the Quality Streets over Christmas, therefore the thought of exercising or eating healthier makes January feel awful. Take small steps, don't feel as though just because it is a New Year that you have to workout 24/7 and eat only fruit and veg. You are still allowed treats and cheat days - don't punish your body, it's all about balance. Also, keep it fun and exciting as exercise and eating isn't supposed to be a punishment.

5. Money Problems - I think 99% of us cannot wait until payday because Christmas and New Year have left us well and truly skint. With the shops covered in bargains, it can be hard to not spend money. A good way to make sure you aren't overspending this month is to keep a note on everything you buy and even stop taking your bank card out with you if necessary. I always carry a bit of cash on me instead and that stops me spending things I don't need.

Similar posts:
My Goals For 2016
Things I've Learnt in 2015

How are you staying positive this January??


  1. January always seems so gloomy doesn't it! Thanks for sharing these idea, I'm still failing to let go of christmas :(

    Sophie | Dreams and Colour Schemes

    1. Don't worry Sophie I am the same and I don't think I will until I've ate all the food and used the bath products up

      Katie ♥

  2. You make some really fantastic points - I think going back to work has to be the worst bit but as you point out, there are lots of ways to combat the misery!

    Musings & More

  3. These are such fab ways !! I need to not take my bank card it's a nightmare during sales!! Xx

    1. I know tell me about it, I always kick myself too if I see something I want but don't need!

      Katie ♥

  4. You "how to.." are always so helpful! Thanks for doing this :)

    1. Thanks so much Paula that means a lot! p's I have a few more ;)

      Katie ♥

  5. Januray is quite stressful month, because everything is new, but it is also a new fresh start.
    Nice post. Thanks for tips. ;-)

    1. I agree there is definitely two ways to look at the New Year!

      Katie ♥

  6. Such a lovely list hun! I agree with all the above. It's quite depressing if I'm honest with you! Roll on the spring!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram

    1. Thanks Stacey that's nice of you to say! I know, I still can't move forward from Christmas

      Katie ♥

  7. I really enjoyed this lovely and it was just what I needed to read today :) I very much agree with taking some me time, I find a Lush bath always works wonders at making me feel brighter.
    Love Holly x

    1. Thank you! Glad you liked it that means a lot and glad I could help! I might have a LUSH bath tomorrow when I'm off :)

      Katie ♥

  8. These are great tips! This time of year can be so 'blah' so it's important to try and stay positive!

    xo, Liz

    1. Thank you and I know I agree there is definitely two ways to look at it

      Katie ♥

  9. great ways! being productive is one of my top goals!

    Annie | DrugstoreDreamer

  10. I know what you mean! talk about January blues though

    1. I think most people have January blues, it just seems so dull especially the weather!

      Katie ♥

  11. Oh Happy Birthday for then! I know I want paid so bad the sales are too tempting!

    Katie ♥

  12. I know I used to feel so bad in January. Usually after 2-3 weeks my resolutions failed and the months just didn´t seem to end. Then there´s also the cold that makes me not want to leave the house. I have found that since I started uni and have been extremely busy every January, I feel a lot better. I can also totally agree on being organized and spring cleaning. I like to do those on the weekends to just push me the extra bit.
    xx Lisa | Following Lisa

    1. Aw I know the feeling, the cold can really suck the energy out of you. That means your month will hopefully fly over!

      Katie ♥

  13. Since buying my PS4 before the end of 2015, I've done nothing but have me time after work. :P It's actually nice to just chill out in bed and play games.

    As well as that, it's also lovely to do some tidying of my room, and I plan to do more over the next couple of weeks to get rid of stuff, and sell some things. :)

    1. Aw that sounds lovely! I do the same I like playing on my Xbox to relax, it technically could be classed as me time!

      Katie ♥

  14. This is a lovely post, there are some great ideas. I've definitely taken note of some and already have some in practice like being healthy and taking me time. Thanks for posting lovely.

    Hannah xx

    1. Thank you Hannah! Being healthy is a good one I think its under top 5 resolutions people make its so iconic!

      Katie ♥

  15. Great post :-) Your blog looks amazing!


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