Wednesday, 13 January 2016

How To Budget In The New Year

How To Budget In The New Year
Today I am going to talk about the cry-worthy, hair-pulling topic and that is money. What money? You're all thinking. So let's be honest with ourselves we've all overdone it on the Christmas shopping and January Sales to the point where we fear to check our online banks to see the damage. Money is such a stressful topic this time of year, which is why I wanted to create a post on budgeting in the New Year, hoping it'll stop you all from pulling out your hair.

1. Buy A Money Box - It is always handy to get your hands on one of those money boxes that can only be opened with a tin opener or smashed open with a hammer. That way you won't be tempted to take some money out. I have two of this one for loose change and the other for notes to put in every other week to start saving up for a holiday or even next Christmas. I do think having a money box can help budget your money in the long run and are a lot less tempting to take out money than a savings account is.

2. Keep A Note - Alright it's a New Year the damage is done last year, now is the time to take note on how much you spend. Keep a little notepad on you to write down how much you've spent per week, maybe look at bank statements to see what's going in and coming out. It is healthy to keep track of where your money is going, honestly, I forgot I was still paying my phone bill at one point.

3. Cut The Habits - Have a gym membership that you don't ever use? Subscribed to a magazine that you forgot you were paying for? Or have a Netflix account that is being ruled by your partners rubbish film choices? Take some time to address where your money is going and cancel any unused subscriptions to save yourself in the long run. I have done this last year and I have saved myself £15 a month which totals as £180 a year.

4. Take Only a Little - When you are nipping to the shops or into town only take the essentials. I have ditched my massive wallet for a small card holder and only take with me I'D, a bit of cash and my Boots card. Leave your bank card at home if possible and only take out with you very little. Honestly not taking my bank card saved me a lot of money when I was wandering around town after university itching to spend my student loan.

5. Be A Smart, Savvy Shopper - It is good to be a smart, savvy shopper rather than buying something there and then why not check elsewhere first? I've found that online shopping and a little bit of patience can go far. There are so many online shops that could be selling what you want at a cheaper price. I recently got myself a new sports bra and fitness pants for £7 because I spend time searching online rather than always turning to the high street. It saves you money in the long run and finding a bargain is always bliss!

6. Sell, Sell And Sell More - If you have unwanted books, clothes, DVDs, jewellery etc you could easily sell them and give them to a better home. Depop, eBay and AliExpress are my go-to online shops to look for bargains or sell unused items. It's good to clear out your old things even if you give them to charity, you are clearing out a lot of unused mess that could get you a few pennies!

7. Out With The New And In With The Old - See what I did there? Rather than treating yourself every week or two to new products, use up the products you already have first. I rarely buy clothes or makeup as much as I used to because I try to make the most out of using what I already have before I even consider buying new things. Stop buying new things to cheer yourself up when you know deep down you feel guilty for spending your weeks worth of food shop on that new dress!

What is your advice for budgeting money??


  1. Great tips, I find writing down everything I spend helps when planning a budget as you see exactly where your money goes. Only using cash is another good tip, its way too easy to overspend on a card.
    Jen xx

    1. I think overspending on my card is probably something I do quite often so it definitely helps me!

      Katie ♥

  2. My big tip is always write a shopping list before food shopping and never go when you're hungry. Also plan a week of meals before hand. Then you end up only buying exactly what you need, reducing your waste and your spending!

    Steph -

    1. I never thought of not going when you're hungry that is such a good tip!

      Katie ♥

  3. I couldn´t help but sing the last point as Sharpay (although the lyrics are turned around). I still know every song from HSM, trust me. haha.
    These are some great tips though! I especially like keeping track of my money. It´s something that annoys me quite a lot but in the end I do know what I do with my money and how much I spend on what.
    xx Lisa | Following Lisa

    1. I am going to admit and say I have never saw HSM! I think money can be so frustrating at times but once you keep track you do feel a lot healthier about it

      Katie ♥

  4. This is just what I needed to read right now! When I really need to save some cash, I keep my bank card safe at home and only take out what I need for that day, it really helps x

    Always, Alice

    1. Glad I could help! It's a good trick to do I have probably saved so much money by doing it

      Katie ♥

  5. Keeping note of what's going in and out is always what works best for me. I just got a cute budgeting notebook so I'm motivated to use it and keep on track, haha. Sometime it's whatever works!

    Rachel |

    1. I have bought a notebook to keep track too! Great minds!

      Katie ♥

  6. Really great tips - I've got a jar that I'm putting my 'saving money' in which I find is really helping me!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. I think its nice having a saving jar at home reminds me of when I was younger saving for something!

      Katie ♥

  7. Some great tips Katie! I used to be amazing at saving, but now I'm just constantly spending. It's not good! I'll be using some of these to help me save for my holiday in September.
    Chantel //Bonnie Blondie

    1. Oh I hope you have a lovely holiday! I think if you have something to save for it helps to not spend

      Katie ♥

  8. These are some really helpful tips! I've found that taking time to find a good price for something, or waiting patiently for a 3 for 2 at Boots makes a difference for me! Though this year I'm trying to use up some of my stash before I go shopping again - wish me luck!

    Becky xo

    1. Good luck! I am also doing this too and it has helped a lot!

      Katie ♥

  9. I really do need to pay more attention to the last one. Just done some shopping and can already feel the guilt! I think leaving card at home helps a lot so I'll take some cash out today and leave the card for the week ahead and see how much I can save with that. I must say the after work boots trip will end sooner than before and cost me nothing ;)
    Very good post and eye opener as well! xx

    Sara |

  10. Take notes and cut the bad habits is really good for a fresh start! Love this

  11. I love this post! Definitely need to think more carefully where my money is going this year!

    Dusty Foxes Beauty

  12. Whenever I get some money I always put 80 towards savings and 20 towards spending like makeup or books!

  13. I always write a shopping list but that always flies out the window the second I step foot in Superdrug/Boots. Ha!

    Lovely post.

    EL xx

    1. hahah I know Boots and Superdrug are like a weakness especially with their deals!

      Katie ♥

  14. These are all awesome tips! I have just started keeping a detailed track of whats going in and out, and it's interesting to actually see what I need to cut back on!

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Thanks Jasmin glad you liked them! I know I'm the same a lot of my money gets spent on food!

      Katie ♥


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