Sunday, 13 December 2015

5 Things To Do On A Sunday

Ugh Sunday, the end of the weekend and the last day before we start from the beginning again. I personally hate Sundays, they are the slowest, unproductive, boring days of the week and I always cannot wait for it to be over. Recently I have been doing things on Sunday to make the day bearable and a lot more enjoyable. So I decided to share with you some ways to spend your Sunday that are fun!

1. Catch Up - I've been taking a couple of hours of my Sunday to catch up on Youtube, TV and blog posts I have missed during the week.

2. Family Time - I sometimes like to spend my day away from the keyboard and with some family. Recently I've been trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle with my mam, which is actually impossible. At the age of 21, I can say I have been enjoying this.

3. Pamper Day - Sunday seems like the only real free day I get to relax and do whatever I please. So I've recently been taking the evening out to pamper myself with a face mask, hair mask and sometimes paint my nails.

4. Cleaning Day - This one bores me a little bit, if I play some Christmas music or stick a Disney film on as I work, it does make the day go a lot quicker. I like to take Sunday out to clean up and sometimes change things around to keep things looking fresh.

5. Go To A Market - Where I live there is a lot of weekend markets on in different areas close by. I sometimes like to walk to the Quayside to go to the market in the mornings with my boyfriend or a friend to kill some time. I always end up coming home with some lovely trinkets and brownies of course.

What do you do to make Sunday's a fun day??


  1. Catch up and pamper day are my favourite kind of Sundays!!

    Jodie @ Jodetopia x

    1. I agree, it is definitely something I always make time for!

      Katie ♥

  2. I just like to relax at home watching movies, reading blogs or having a pamper day! Also I like to go for a walk with my boyfriend or family x

    Lauren |

  3. Pamper nights are just made for sundays haha :)

    Lotte |

    1. I agree! I loved it last weekend as we had snow so it made it even more relaxing!

      Katie ♥

  4. Sundays are my absolute favourite, I love a good deep clean and catch up and it is ALWAYS pamper day <3 xxx


    1. See they are my least favourite day but I do try to make them more fun!

      Katie ♥

  5. I love to have a pamper night on sundays, they are the best day for it.


    1. I agree, I always do it on the evening with some candles!

      Katie ♥

  6. Lovely post! Sundays are for a pamper and a clean out ready for the week! I always cook a huge roast dinner the after chill with a movie!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram


    1. Thanks Stacey glad you liked it. Yes! I always try and get all my cleaning done on Sundays to be prepared for the week! We sometimes have a roast but we haven't for awhile since we are savouring for Christmas Dinner!

      Katie ♥

  7. I really find that sundays are the days where I seek contact to my family the most. I only realized this since I moved out but it´s the day I´m calling my Mom almost every week (or at least WhatsApp). I will say though that I really wish my sundays were boring. I always got so much stuff for uni to do that I don´t know how I will manage it all. I will keep those tips in mind though for when I´ve got a little time on my hands.
    xx Lisa | Following Lisa

    1. Aw that's lovely! We used to always go to our Nanna/Grandad's on Sunday, definitely a family day. I don't miss doing uni work on a weekends one bit, but I do feel your pain!

      Katie ♥

  8. I always catch up on YouTube and blogs on Sundays x

    Melanie | Lilies Beauty

    1. I find it so hard to keep up with vlogmas! How are you finding it?

      Katie ♥

  9. I like long walks on a Sunday, mixed with a very good dinner :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. Sounds very cosy! We usually have dinners but with it being close to Christmas we have stopped

      Katie ♥

  10. I always catch up on blog posts, youtube videos etc on a Sunday, its a lovely time to chill!

    Lucy |

    1. Me too! I find it hard to keep up with them all though

      Katie ♥

  11. These are all things I tend to do on my Sunday's, especially catching up and cleaning. I love to tidy and sort my bedroom ready for the week, as well as catching up on blog post writing and reading other posts - exactly what I'm doing now!
    ________ ♡

    1. Me too, I usually change my bed, wash brushes etc! You sound super organised, tell me your secret!

      Katie ♥

  12. These are definitely all perfect things to do on a sunday :) It's usually my day for getting jobs done around my flat then having a bit of a blog catch up and I like to watch a few films too, especially during the winter.
    Love Holly x

    1. Sunday's just seem too long so why not eh?! I love catching up with blogs on Sundays!

      Katie ♥

  13. Sunday's are all about chilling out for me!

    Sara - She Who Is Short

    1. Me too! I do love being able to catch up on blogs etc

      Katie ♥


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