Friday, 4 September 2015

University | The Pro's To Living At Home

University | Living At Home
Two of the students biggest worries, when they are about to start university and are living at home, is will they miss out on anything or not make friends as easily. I am here to tell you no, that is not true and don't worry. I am going to talk about my own experience I had at university whilst living at home for 3 years and how it was such a great decision.

The Decision: I had the option to move into halls at uni and right from the start I never considered it. From the second I got my acceptance letter I knew I was going to live at home and travel the hour and a half journey everyday to uni. I did have those doubts of will I make friends? Will I miss out on anything? At first but I ended up becoming good friends with a bunch of nutters who lived at home like myself, which was perfect! (most of the people on my course lived at home weirdly).

The Experience: People say you are not getting the full university experience if you are not living at halls which I don't think is for everyone to be honest. I personally loved living at home throughout my time at university but I think this is because I like my own space as I work a lot harder on my own. On those days I was at uni 10-5 I was relieved to be sat on the train home as once I was home I was able to sit in the bath for as long as I wanted and eat a big, hot meal and just do whatever I wanted without having to worry about other people. Living at home was never a distraction I genuinely think if I lived at halls I would be distracted by housemates and probably waste all my money on nights out. Speaking of money living at home saved me a fortune, some of my friends who live at uni always say how skint they are and how they had to get themselves jobs to buy food asap. So I guess it has its ups and downs living at uni and living at home.

The Pros To Living At Home: There's a lot of good reasons to live at home whilst at university and here are a few that spring to my mind...

1. You are able to buy food and not have to worry about others pinching it
2. If you live with the family you sometimes come home to a nice hot meal
3. Saves you a lot of money, I've actually saved most of my loan up thanks to living at home and not having to pay anything other than food and board.
4. The freedom to relax and escape to do whatever you want
5. Never run out of hot water!
6. Don't have to clean up after other people all the time
7. Able to be unsociable without being classed as boring 

Overall I'd say living at home isn't a bad idea if you have that option to anyways. It definitely saves you money, I mean yes you don't get the full independence or experience but you can get that later on in life. I still saw my uni friends a lot even when I lived at home and I chatted to them frequently so if you are worried about missing out don't be because I still enjoyed my time at uni whilst living at home.

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  1. I think commuting was the best decision I ever made when it comes to my university life. 9 am lectures were a pain, especially with an almost 2-hour journey, but I saved so much money! I paid £50 on transport each month, £50 for my phone bill, gave my mum £60, and then the rest was mine. I got so much work done on the bus and coming home to someone handing me a hot chocolate in the middle of winter was definitely a plus too!

    It was hard making friends at first, especially as I am naturally a socially awkward person, and avoid socialising at all costs, but when I stopped worrying and panicking, I found that I had already made friends - our mutual love of hating socialising brought on a wonderful friendship, haha!

    1. I was the same I would take notes or reply to emails when I traveled to and from uni it was so much easier and I loved coming home to a nice hot meal! Aw that's great to hear! I know it's great when things work out like that

      Katie ♥

  2. I live about a 30minute drive from my university and I definitely considered living at home - but in a way I am glad I decided to move away. I think it's made me a lot more independent, but you can really get that from anywhere not just from moving out. It is a lot less expensive too. My brother goes to university that's in the same city as my university, but he lives at home because he has a very flexible job and he has managed to save a load of money! I also think a lot of people who live in halls make out like it's wonderful all the time, but it really is more stressful than people make out!

    Unfortunately now, I think a lot of people will be forced to stay at home now because they simply don't want to be in so much debt when they leave university. It's a shame for those who don't live near a university or near a good university/one that does a course they want! xxx

    Karan|| studentbeautyhack

    1. Independence is definitely something university teaches you I think but yes I agree even having a full time job shows independence so you are right. I also agree with you there I've known people who went to move into halls and hated the atmosphere or hated how messy their roommates were to be honest that would drive me crazy!

      Katie ♥

  3. I stayed at home when I went to university too, I didn't go to uni for the social life and it allowed me to spend time with my friends and family in my home town a lot more easily. Definitely the best decision I ever made xxx

    1. It was the same for me too I think if I had lived at halls I wouldn't come home as often to see everyone. I really enjoyed living at home as I didn't have to deal with the stress of being poor or no hot water!

      Katie ♥

  4. I lived at home, I regret it sometimes now but at the time it was totally the right thing for me to do both financially and just because of my personal situation. You'll always make friends who you could stay with if you wanted to go on a night out and like you say chances are you'll work a lot harder at home than you would living with a group of friends.. I get so horribly distracted so it was good for me to be able to concentrate!

    Jade x
    Girl Up North | UK Lifestyle Blog

    1. I felt the same at first but I don't think it is for everyone and just because you don't live there doesn't mean you are missing out on it all. You go to uni for a degree not for parties.

      Katie ♥

  5. I lived at home during my first year and I definitely agree that I saved a lot of money and living at home certainly has its pros. I'm moving away for my second year in September so although I am a bit apprehensive, I'm looking forward to seeing what it's like! x

    1. I hope it goes well for you! I debated moving in my second year too but I am glad I didn't as I find I work a lot better at home

      Katie ♥

  6. I lived away in uni but if I had the chance again I would have stayed at home, especially as I was only in twice a week in my third year. But I had already signed for a house before I got given my timetable. I was really homesick for the first two years and would have saved myself, and my parents, so much money and worrying had I stayed home. xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

    1. Oh my gosh I hated only being in a couple of days a week it feels like they rob your money! It's such a shame when things like that happen but atleast you got the experience living away

      Katie ♥

  7. This was such a helpful post, although I won't be going to uni for another two years it's nice to see someone who isn't just saying 'You don't get a good uni experience if you live at home'. I plan to live at home whilst at uni partly because the one I plan on going to isn't too far away and also because it saves money and I don't want a HUGE amount of debt!

    Lydia //

    1. Aw thanks Lydia glad you found it useful. I think a lot of students doubt living at home for those reasons but you shouldn't feel forced to live at uni just because you want the full package. I was quite happy living without the party lifestyle. Yeah it's good to save your money especially since Christmas is near!

      Katie ♥

  8. I had the worst experience in halls during my first year and ended up coming back and commuting 2 hours there and back each day. I'd say find someone you trust before you think about moving anywhere but living at home does have its perks! x

    Gabbi | Bloglovin |

    1. I agree, I know so many people who lived at halls who complained about messy flatmates, noise or even just money problems. It isn't for everyone but atleast you tried and got the experience!

      Katie ♥

  9. I'm starting University this year and I've made the decision to live at home. I have been experiencing these worries quite a lot, so this post was really comforting to read! I can't cope with uncleanliness and I'm not into the whole partying vibe, so I don't think living in halls would be for me :)xx

    Lissy ♥

    1. Thanks Lissy glad you found it useful and good luck with uni don't worry about it! I was the same I like my own space and being in my own little bubble and when you are at uni all day till 6 you do want to come home to a nice bath and hot meal

      Katie ♥

  10. I loved this post Katie! I thought the only main benefit of living at home during uni was to save money - I never thought about the benefits of hot water and the ability to be unsociable haha ;) x

    1. Glad you liked it lovely! Oh god definitely I loved that I could keep my money it felt amazing when sales appeared ;)

      Katie ♥

  11. Good luck for you! Yeah I agree that was the same for me I didn't mind travelling everyday because I liked knowing once I was home I could relax. Glad this post helped you!

    Katie ♥

  12. I travel to uni as well (it's about 50minutes on the train for me) and I do love it! I love the time in the morning and coming back in the evenings to reflect on the day, my work and any lecturers I've had. It gives me time to breath and think about things. But I do feel sometimes I've missed out on meals or whatever else as I have needed to go home at a certain time to do things. However, as you said it does save a bunch of money in the end and I would definitely be a lot poorer if I was in uni!
    Lauren // OhHay Blogs!

    1. Yeah I loved this too was nice to relax on the train and prepare for the day. I can relate this happened to me too or I've had times where I am on my way into uni and it gets canceled!

      Katie ♥

  13. Thank you SO much for this, I really enjoyed reading it. I'm living at home when I attend Uni and have been worrying about missing out and not making friends! However, I know it is the best thing for me, as I know I won't be skint, I'll come home to good food, a bath, my lovely room and bed, and if I moved away I know I'd miss my family, dog and boyfriend too much haha!
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

    1. You are very welcome! I know you grow attached to your little comforts I would miss just being able to come home and relax in the bath and eat whatever I wanted without others pinching it!

      Katie ♥

  14. Hiya! I've just started uni this year and I moved from Leeds to Sheffield to live in halls. When I got there I just cried and cried and even now still I'm thinking about commuting next year if I'm still enjoying the course! I've slightly got used to it, but I think its only because I know I can get on a train and be home within an hour! Just got back to mine for the weekend now and its my favourite place ever. I'm not much of a partier but I dont mind a night out once a week, if that really. I'm lucky my flat mates are tidy and quiet and the place isn't a mess but its definitely so weird not living at home. Loved this post and reading other peoples experiences from the comments. Deffo going to show my mum this post so she can see the pro's of living at home as she doesn't think it will be good for me xxxx

    (haha life story alert - sorry!)

    Katherine Rosie | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle blog

    1. Aw I do hope you are feeling much happier now! It will take a few weeks to get used to but I hope you are enjoying it!

      Katie ♥


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