Tuesday, 8 September 2015

University | Handling The First Day

University | Handling The First Day
The first days of everything are always the hardest to handle because you don't know what to expect, who to talk to or whether you are going to fit in. The first day of university is always nerve-racking for most students and I was one of them. I decided to share with you all my experience on how I handled the first day of university and some tips on how you can feel a lot more at ease.

My Experience: My first day at uni wasn't as nerve-racking as it is for some and that is because over the summer before starting I was going on chat-rooms, Facebook groups to try and find people who were on my course or even at the same campus as me. The more I was talking to people online the more I was realizing everyone is in the same position and I wasn't alone in finding friends! I definitely say make the internet your best friend over summer and try and find people even if you are typing your course into the Twitter search bar you may find someone. As I was getting involved in groups and chats, two people from my course managed to find me online and I think I found someone too. We all got chatting and talking about this and that which made the first day a whole lot easier. Talking online to someone anyways is easier than face to face but, I did have to talk face to face to new people too. 

Ice Breakers: Here are some questions or topics of conversation you could talk to people about on your first day to break the ice after you've asked what their name is and where they are from to keep the conversation flowing...

1.) Are you living at home or halls? (If you both have this in common talk about where)
2.) How are you finding today so far? 
3.) Talk about your course, maybe do research on what it involves beforehand
4.) Ask if they have their student loan and if they've spent it on anything
5.) Be normal with people and describe how you're finding uni already
6.) Talk about upcoming events, fresher fairs ask if they are going 
7.) Ask for their full name to add them on Facebook
8.) Ask if they know anything about the course

These are just basic ice breakers to get conversations flowing, nobody likes the first day at uni but once you've spoken to a few people you start to feel at ease as everyone is in the same boat.

Tips: Here are my tips on handling the first day of uni and what made the difference for my first day...

1.) Be digital savvy and get involved in any fresher Facebook groups, chats involving people from your university.
2.) If you find people on your course before the first day speaks to them, get to know them, break the ice and maybe try meeting them on the first day or beforehand.
3.) Everyone is in the same position so keep reminding yourself that.
4.) If you feel too nervous to socialize face to face that much try and get their names and add them on Facebook to chat to later.
5.) Think about it this way if you go to uni and don't want to speak to anyone will you feel like your first day has been a success or not? 
6.) If you are unable to speak to anybody on your first day that is completely fine loads of people don't you have plenty of time to talk to people.

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Have you got any tips on handling the first days??


  1. This is great advice, I am definitely going to save this post for if I ever chose to go to Uni x :)


  2. I don't think I talked to anyone on my first day as I was too busy moving in all my things and very nervous. But on the second day I vowed to just talk to everyone and say 'yes' to everything. Worked out pretty well for me.

    Rachel | www.currentlyrachel.com

    1. Wise words! I think everyone feels the same so it does make it a lot easier to talk to others

      Katie ♥

  3. This is some really great advice for freshers that are just starting out! I was the same and didn't find the first day too nerve-racking as I'd found my new flatmates through Facebook and chat rooms and a couple of people on my course. When it came to making friends on my course the main place I went wrong was not asking people what their names were - and then the convo had progressed too much, it would have been too awkward to ask haha. I think the most important thing to remember is that everyone is in the same boat when it comes to arriving at uni, so its okay to feel nervous as the person sitting next to you probably is too :) xx
    Charlotte's Road

    1. Haha this happens to me at work but it happens they probably feel the same! I agree it makes it a little bit easier to talk to others if everyone is feeling the same!

      Katie ♥

  4. Unfortunately, university in Spain is different so a lot of these things wouldn't work here. But it does remind me of my year abroad so I think some great advice!

    Be | lovefrombe

    1. Thanks lovely, I would love to see the difference in universities at Spain!

      Katie ♥

  5. These conversation starters are so good, would have needed them last year haha! I'm so glad I don't have to do my first day of Uni anymore, it was so overwhelming! x


    1. I agree they are always so nerve racking!

      Katie ♥

  6. Great post - I begin uni on the 21st of this month so it's going to be both a scary and exciting time. This post was definitely super helpful for me - thanks x

    Toni x

    1. Glad it helped you Toni I hope uni goes well for you too!

      Katie ♥

  7. This is a great post and one I will be keeping in mind when I move up to uni this Sunday (eeek!)

    Bethany // curlyandwordy.blogspot.co.uk xx

    1. Hope uni goes well for you and glad it could help!

      Katie ♥

  8. I absolutely love this post! I remember feeling so nervous my first day so its so good that you included some practical talking points to help people get started. Great job!

    Caitie x

    1. Thanks lovely, I know I wish I had something like this when I first started which is why I wrote it to help others as I know it is stressful and overwhelming

      Katie ♥

  9. Love the blog posts you write! Just found out about your world of beauty and I'm loving what you're doing with it. An extra tip for this list might be to remember that everything happens with time, and to not get discouraged if you don't make a million friends right away or get the perfect grade on your very first assignment. Y'know? Wisdom will come with time.

    http://www.thexclass.com - a success blog

    1. Aw thanks so much Dana very nice of you to say so. I completely agree that is a wonderfully important tip to make! My first every assignment was the worst I ever did and it all improves over time.

      Katie ♥


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