Thursday, 10 September 2015

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy
So you've woke up on the wrong side of the bed and are lacking in energy but its only 10am! Coffee is your best friend but it simply isn't cutting your sleepy brain from keeping motivated, what do you do? Here are some simple ways to boost your energy and get you through the day without cheekily turning to the caffeine or energy drinks.

Healthy Diet | I know I know, I wrote the dreading words 'healthy' and 'diet' in the same sentence, but bear with me on this one. It's a known fact that if you are eating unhealthy foods frequently and not getting enough of the good vitamins your body will feel drained and you're likely to get fatigued quicker. Some foods that are full of energy that I eat are fruit (bananas, apples), nuts and chia seeds.

Don't Skip Breakfast| Following on from the first tip but skipping a meal can have a huge effect on your body as well as your mind. I am one of those people who wake up and have to eat my breakfast even if I am hungover or ill, it's such an important meal to kick start your day. If I do skip my breakfast my body doesn't feel as ready for the day ahead so it is always important to have breakfast, even if it is just a bit of fruit or a GoAhead bar.

Wonder Around | Rather than me bore you with the typical, apparent go do some exercise why not just go for a walk. Especially if you have spent the day glued to a computer it is nice to take half an hour out and go for a nice walk around the block. Going for a walk or exercising, in general, allows your body to feel a lot more awake and you will find the more you do it the longer your body has energy. Since I joined the gym my body never feels the need to take an afternoon nap.

Stress Less | It is a known fact that stress can allow you to feel a lot more tiresome so it is wise to try and avoid it. If I feel like I am getting stressed I like to just take 5 minutes out and breathe or if I am at home I have a nice bath and switch off the internet for a little while. Very important to keep a clear, open mind.

Drink Plenty of Water | Another obvious one but something we all tend to forget at times but it is incredibly important to drink water every day. I always try to drink at least 2 litres a day and I must admit fresh cold water has such an effect on my body for keeping motivated and energetic.

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What are your tips to boost your energy??


  1. These are great tips! I should definitely go for a walk more. I get lost in my work and before I know it 2 hours have gone by and all I have done is stared at the computer screen x

    1. I think technology can really make us become so unsociable with the outside world at times so you appreciate when you do go outside!

      Katie ♥

  2. water is a massive thing for me, I know I feel soo sluggish if I don't get my 3 pints + in per day

    Jade x
    Girl Up North | UK Lifestyle Blog

    1. I love water! I know it isn't to everyones flavour but it really does make a huge difference in my body, weirdly without it I start to get headaches

      Katie ♥

  3. I absolutely love this post! Some days at work I really struggle with my energy and I'm never sure what to do about it! I always drink lots of water so I'm going to try and get up from my desk more often! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

    1. Thanks Sarah glad you liked it! Yeah it could help just wondering around for a bit I know if I get up and do more things I get more energy - it's a funny one

      Katie ♥

  4. I don't know if its just me but whenever I have breakfast (not as often as I should tbh), I end up feeling hungrier through out the day. And I mean that in a good way because it helps kick start my system! x

    1. I used to get like this when I was at school, I'd eat breakfast at 7/8 and be hungry by 11 I think snacks are alright though like a bit of fruit or a cereal bar

      Katie ♥

  5. Great tips I definitely need to take note of these! x

    Zoe Mountford x

  6. Healthy diet and a good nights sleep makes such a big difference!

    Emily x

    1. I love sleep so I have to make sure I get enough of it haha or my skin will pay for it!

      Katie ♥

  7. Not skipping breakfast is a big one, I always notice a big difference if I do! - Amy

    1. I cannot possibly do it! If I skip any meal it is usually lunch. My body just feels awful if I skip breakfast

      Katie ♥

  8. Listening to music is one of my ways to boost my energy (of course not to a mellow song :P)
    Being on a healthy diet is definitely what makes me happy too!

    Oh Dear Bumblebees

    1. Your body always feels a lot more energetic if you eat proper I think, also I never thought to try music!

      Katie ♥

  9. Great tips! I love taking my dog for walks as it gives me time to think by myself and is good exercise :)

    1. See I envy you as I would love to have a dog that way I have the excuse to go for walks!

      Katie ♥

  10. Great tips, Katie. I am terrible for not drinking enough water, skipping breakfast and stressing too much.
    I swear I'm sorting it out though haha.
    Gillian xx EyelinerFlicks

    1. Thanks Gillian! We are only human I think it is natural for us to stress and not always have a routine I stress out so much so I am working on it myself!

      Katie ♥

  11. I'm so bad at not drinking water! This post has made me realise how easy it is to become more healthy and stress free! x

    Gabbi | Bloglovin |

    1. It took me awhile to get into it but now it is just an everyday routine for me!

      Katie ♥

  12. Great tips, I'm trying to drink a bit more water lately but I always forget to haha! I find I get stressed so easily so this post has reminded me it's good to take a bit of time out every now and then.

    Toni x

    1. It is one of those things that is so easy to forget! See I have a routine once I've ate my breakfast and went back to the kitchen that is when I get my water out the fridge! I always stress out especially recently but I just try and think it's not the end of the world

      Katie ♥

  13. I love these little tips, definitely saving this post for those days when I feel I need a little extra boost.

    Beka. xo

  14. This is such a great post and I will be using your tips! I am the worst for skipping breakfast and then getting tired and hangry at 10am, not a good idea!

    Liza xx

    1. Glad you liked the post lovely and hope they help too! Oh no I always have to apologize to people if I get hangry as I tend to get chewy towards people!

      Katie ♥


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