Thursday, 25 June 2015

Motivational Tips On Joining Gym

Motivational Tips On Joining Gym
I am one of those people that when winter strikes I go into snuggle on the sofa with a hot chocolate and a good film mode. Once the longer days, more sunshine and even warmth kicks in I have the sudden urge to ditch the blankets and go outside for some exercise. I am introducing something new to not only myself but to my blog too and that is the gym. I thought to write a post on my experience so far and some tips on having the motivation to go or how to handle the first week.

My Experience: Joining a gym was something I wanted to do as soon as New Year arrived as I wanted to get toned but, because of uni projects I never had the time until now. Even after I joined I put off going with my boyfriend for a good 2 weeks but, finally I had found the motivation to go and so far so good. It's a bit like everything really the first day is always the worst and the most clueless. I had my induction, got familiar with the machines and just tried experimenting really. I did feel a bit out of my comfort zone at first and I found it easier having my boyfriend around if I needed any help or spotted. I have been going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week which is a good balance of days to go and I have also given myself a routine too for each day I go. So far I am enjoying it but I am sure sometime soon I will have those days of passing me the pizza I don't want to exercise.

Motivational Tips -

1.) Find a gym buddy: This doesn't have to be for every time you go but if you have that option I do think having a friend or partner to go with you makes the first few times a lot easier. My boyfriend and I go together all the time we don't have to be doing the same things but when we are it makes it a lot more entertaining and they are good for motivation too.

2.) Get a routine: Okay I know you are all probably rolling your eyes at this one but I have to be honest they do make you a lot more motivated to go. On my first day I didn't have a specific routine so I just tried anything but, once I got a routine I found it a lot easier, more organised and motivated to get on with it. I also like to change my routine to keep things a bit more interesting. For example, Thursday is leg day, therefore, I use machines for my legs and give myself 4 or 5 sets per machine. It sounds boring but having a routine does make you a lot more eager to go.

3.) Buy new gear: Buying new gym wear is definitely a motivational boost because all you want to do is have the excuse to wear your new pink Nike trainers. Good places for gym wear that isn't pricey are MyProtein, H&M or Primark all are really decent quality too.

4.) Download some new music: One of the first things I done before I went to the gym was download a load of songs I wanted, created a gym playlist and filled it with lots of motivational music to get me through my routine. This helps make working out fly over and you zone out of the noise around you.

5.) Have an aim: Don't just join the gym because everybody else has, join the gym because you want to and have a reason why. Everybody has different reasons for joining the gym mine was to tone up and just feel healthier about myself. If you join the gym with a goal put a post it note on your wardrobe and remind yourself why you have joined or are wanting to it may just be that little light switch in your brain to make you go. 

6.) Think of the outcomes: If you are lost as to why you joined in the first place or just don't have the motivation to go but know you need to then think about the outcomes. Some people have images on their phones or walls on what they want to look like, some have that dress they love in a smaller size their aim to fit into it and others write or even think about what their reasons are for joining. When you are lost and feeling unmotivated take a step back and think about why you joined in the first place and what you want to look like. 

Those are some tips I find most useful for motivation to join or go to the gym. I hope they helped any of you who are in those positions! 

What are your motivational tips on joining the gym??


  1. These tips are so useful! I stopped going for 4 months but now I am getting back into it. you're right about going with someone helps


    1. Aw so glad this helped you! I know it gets so hard to get back into something you stopped!

      K ♥

  2. Having cute gym gear always gets me motivated! I'm excited for when I get enough money to buy some cute new running trainers. Also, yes having a routine is a must for me! But my routine today has been disturbed so Im sitting in my workout clothes waiting for the time to arrive for my workout. x

    1. Trainers are one of my favourite things to buy (that and sports bra weirdly!). I love working out and having a bit of a routine - I would be lost without one!

      K ♥

  3. Great post! I recently started a routine when working out, and it's really helped!

    Kendal | Life With Kendal

    1. It really does help, I think without one I would be unmotivated and a bit layed back!

      K ♥

  4. I completely agree that new gym gear is so motivating! I love that you've started to include fitness into your blog - I'm trying to do exactly the same! I've fallen off the fitness bandwagon over the last few weeks but this has made me determined to get back on it! Also I love love love your blog design! :) xxx

    1. I am glad you like it! I think I will try and include it more often as it is something I enjoy talking about :) thank you

      K ♥

  5. Great tips! :) Would you be able to do a post on your gym playlist? I'm trying to find some new music for the gym!

    Danielle xx
    | Student to Staff Nurse |

    1. I will try and do one sometime in the future and tweet you when I do :)

      K ♥

  6. I dreaded the gym for ages, but once you get into the swing of things its so much fun!

    Lauren x |

    1. I agree! I am currently going through that 'i hate the gym' phase so looking at this post always helps me get back into it

      K ♥

  7. The 'buy new gear' did the job for me! I'm a person who sweats like a horse (it's gross) so I can't wear simple cotton shirts because the sweat will immediately show... I recently got myself some special sport fabrics and love it!

    1. I think new gear really does motivate you, it is just like when you buy a new dress you want an excuse to wear it out.
      Ooo this sounds really nice actually!

      K ♥

  8. I've tried buying new gym gear but even that can't motivate me :') the biggest thing stopping me is money to be honest, I can't afford to start a gym contract and possibly end up hating it or never going. I'll stick to running around the park for now! :)


    1. I used to go for the odd run around the beach and loved it! Definitely a good way to feel energetic and its free!

      K ♥

  9. Usually if I think about how my body is now and what I want it to become that's motivation enough haha :) Good post! :)
    Anjna Harish

    1. that is what my boyfriend does to motivate him, maybe I need to reassure myself of my goal more often! and thank you :)

      K ♥

  10. Great tips! xx

  11. I think out of them all updating my ipod and buying new gear help the most!

    K ♥

  12. I love this post! I really struggle staying motivated when it comes to exercising. These are great tips. I totally agree with your tips for buying a new gym outfit and downloading good music these definitely help keep you motivated!


    1. I think those are my top favourites for keeping motivated! I am glad you found this useful :)

      K ♥


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