Thursday, 28 May 2015

5 Ways To Become A Morning Person

5 Ways To Become A Morning Person
If you are one of those people who doesn't know what 7am looks like, has a fight with the alarm clock every morning and says '5 more minutes' but resorts to an hour and a half later, then listen up! The mornings can be such a nightmare for getting motivated and productive which can sometimes reflect on your whole day. A couple of months back I was one of those people who worked till 2am on my uni project and had to drag myself out of bed early in the morning to go to uni and believe me it killed me.

Recently I have given myself a little bit of a routine on ways to become more motivated in the morning to the point where I actually get things done before 10am. It is possible! And this is coming from someone who loves their sleep a lot. So here are some simple tips that I have been doing frequently to become a productive morning person.  

1.) Get A Routine: A Routine, really? I know this can sound a little boring and stressful but it can really impact on tomorrow morning. I was never able to shift working till 2am for a good fortnight but, I do think having an early night has a better reflection on the day ahead. Also eating and drinking at specific times helps too, I noticed on days where I was so busy I forgot what food was I would get tired quicker, get headaches and it did reflect not only the rest of the day but the morning after. I would also say get into a routine of stop working an hour before you go to bed, maybe relax watch a film as if you work right until you go to sleep your brain maybe still thinking about it which makes it harder to relax and can sometimes take longer to sleep or resort in having a rough night sleep.

2.) Plan Your Tomorrow: Following from 1.) planning your tomorrow can really change your attitude. I found planning what I was going to wear, have my makeup out ready to apply and write lists on what needed to be done all had a huge impact on my next day. I felt productive and positive about my next day and when it came to waking up I was eager to get up and go because everything was prepared for me to get on with. I think not planning your next day can leave your brain feeling overwhelmed and untidy so when that wonderful buzz of your alarm clock goes off you just want the day over with because your brain doesn't feel prepared. Tidy your brain it does wonder!

3.) Smart Move: When it hits 7am and the annoying buzz goes off on your alarm it can be so easy to hit the snooze button and sleep '5 more minutes' and be running around like a headless chicken 2 hours later with inside out underwear on. I think we've all been guilty of doing this but, why not outsmart this? We keep our alarm clocks on our bedside tables because it is simple enough to reach and turn off. But why not put your alarm clock across the other side of your room? Therefore when it goes off you have to get up to stop it from drilling a hole into your brain. By the time you're out of bed and turning the alarm off you are up on your feet and awake!

4.) Making The Morning Bearable: I'm not going to sit here and say have a healthy breakfast and have a workout because we all have heard these things before. What I mean by making the morning bearable is if you are one of those people who absolutely hate the mornings and sometimes gets a little grumpy if you've had lack of sleep then these things might make it a bit bearable. Instead of having annoying buzzers go off at 7am why not set your phone alarm to a positive song - a Disney song perhaps? Something that has good connotations about it that instantly makes you happy and motivated. I used to own an alarm clock jukebox that played songs from the film Grease and looking back it was helpful. Other things to make the morning bearable is to change things up maybe today's the day you finally try that new eyeshadow palette you've forgotten about? Or maybe have one of your favourite breakfasts, bacon sandwich, anyone? These simple but effortless things can make your morning a bit more bearable. 

5.) The 5 Minute Later Solution: Been awake for 5 minutes and still can't wake yourself up but have progressed from that and are now fallen asleep on the toilet? One of the first things I do once I've gotten out of bed is I make it, this stops any temptation to go back into bed and also clears my mind a bit as one job is straight away done. I then splash my face with cold water I'm not going to lie this is something I hate doing but it does wake me up by a lot I just grin and bare it. If I am still tired after this I will go ahead with cleansing or applying a facial wash with strong scents to wake me up more. By this point I am usually wide awake and ready for my morning!

...if you are not wide awake by all of these points then coffee is your best friend!

Any tips you have on becoming a morning person??


  1. lovely post and some great tips xo

  2. I am definitely not a morning person, so these tips were really helpful! Thanks for a great post! xx

    Beauty Girl

  3. I am only a good morning person if I KNOW I have to get up. But these are great tips! I definitely need to start planning for my day ahead more!

    1. Yeah I am the same I tend to have a crap night sleep if it is something important too. Yeah it definitely helps!


  4. I've filmed a Youtube video recently that is a very similar topic and most of these tips are in my video too! I've been trying to turn myself into morning person recently and these tips have really helped! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

    1. I will have to check this out! we have great minds! ;)


  5. Great advice! I've really forced myself to become a morning person lately, 5am will be my friend one day! Your third point is so important because you suddenly feel so awake if you manage to actually leave the warmth of your bed.


    1. 5am seems like such a challenge but I am sure early nights would make it happen!
      Yes definitely!


  6. Awesome post and some sound advice that i can definitely use! Xx

  7. Thanks Katie for this brilliant post! I have to get up at 5:30am for work so this is super helpful!
    I always make sure I wake up a half hour earlier so I have time to pull myself around, check social media pages and have a bit of chill time before getting ready. :)

    Sarah xoxox

    1. You're welcome!
      Yeah I do the same if I haven't planned it the night before I wake up that extra bit earlier!


  8. I love this post! I am usually up around 8 or 9 in the morning, but I'd love to be getting up earlier as I find I'm super productive in the morning. I should really try a few of these tips.
    Ivory Avenue

    1. Glad you found this useful! I am the same but lately my body is awake by 7/8


  9. I loved this post, I am definitely not a morning person and there are some great tips here! I used to go to sleep with my TV on but since moving it out of the bedroom and instead reading a book before I go to sleep has helped me sleep a lot more meaning I am somewhat more of a morning person.. not before 8am though..


    The Not So Secret Lives Of Pizza Lovers

    1. Glad you found this helpful!
      I used to do similar when I had insomnia


  10. I never used to be a morning person, the struggle of getting out of bed in the morning and saying to myself 'just five more minutes' was real. But now I can't even sleep in past 8 o'clock and i has actually made my days so much more productive!

    Yet Another Makeup Blog.

    1. Oh we've all been there I find it easier in the summer though mind!
      I love productive mornings it sets me off for the full day!


  11. Loving these tips, it will take a lot to make me a morning person but I'm glad I can start somewhere! Thanks for sharing x

    1. you're welcome hope they help you out sometime!


  12. Great post, as a morning person I know all these tips are so important, particularly having a routine ! I've also started putting my phone across the room, conveniently next to my workout clothes lol...

    Kat |

    1. Good idea! I have a gym motivation post coming up soon weird enough ;)


  13. Having a routine is so important. I find being off school often puts me out of my normal routine leaving me sleeping half the day and staying up all night !!. X

    Caitriona | Blog

    1. we have all been there! I take advantage of my days off by staying up late!


  14. I always go to bed with a plan for the next day, but when I wake the next day, all my planning goes out the window and I can't help but stay in bed! I'm really not a morning person! haha

    1. I think we all get like that at times but being comfy in a nice warm bed is definitely an amazing feeling!


  15. Great tips!! :)

  16. I love the idea of changing the ring tone of the alarm. If there is something I hate it's the annoying alarm on my phone.
    Bee xxx

  17. Great post! Love the tips haha, I'm definitely going to be trying out the making the bed thing, I really think this will help me lol! :)

    Heather Xx

    1. glad you liked it! Yeah it always helps me makes you feel a lot more productive


  18. I love the whole "picking a song to make waking up bearable" when I was back in school and had a lot of my current favourites on my phone I would change it every night to a random fav to get a good surprise in the morning!
    Lauren // OhHay Blogs!

    1. haha it is true though the alarm noise is horrendous!



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