Sunday, 12 April 2015

B Is For Books

B Is For Books
I will be the first to admit that buying a fresh, brand new book is one of my favourite
things to purchase (up there with the makeup of course). There is something oh-so-thrilling about owning a brand new book and when opening the first page you get a whiff of that fresh material. Today I wanted to share with you all some of my recent favourite inspirational books that I have found most useful for all sorts of things from stress to baking delicious treats to picking me up after a rough day!

Tanya Burr's: Love Tanya
Tanya's book is one of those books where you can pick up and flick through whenever and wherever as it isn't a novel that you need to read each chapter to get to the next. This book has a variety of really useful things to read and learn from, things such as beauty tips, dressing for your body type, getting fit, eating right, lots and lots of recipes, confidence, anxiety EVERYTHING! This book is incredible and really useful to have because she covers everything we all think about from time to time. She has even included several interactive 'note' sections where you are able to write down your own memories of childhood, friends etc! It is a super easy, fun book to read over and over again.

Sali Hughe's: Pretty Honest
Sali has the 'straight-talking beauty companion' attitude in this book and for me, it feels a lot more relate-able and as though I am reading a book from an actual person. It has that comforting, personal feeling to it where I am able to relate a lot too. Pretty Honest is a book for people who love beauty (I would say) as it deals with all the beauty sides of things; skincare, makeup, perfume, hair care, problematic skin she covers all the beauty aspects thoroughly. I again think this is a book you can pick up and flick through whenever and wherever if you want to but because I am enjoying her style of writing I have been reading this like a chapter by chapter novel. I have learnt so much from this book so far and so much about skincare that I didn't know before - a great book to learn more about beauty and it is pretty honest, no bullshit.

Zoe Griffin: Get Rich Blogging
I have been taken my blog a lot more seriously than I had when I first began so I thought gathering a few nifty, useful blog books would be a good starting point. This book is good for reassurance for me because a lot of the things she has written about I have heard before but not all things. This book is good if you want to make money from your blog and Zoe covers it rather easy too. Some of it can sound a little Wiki-Pedia like at times but you learn a lot from this book and it is definitely a good book to have if you are starting to take blogging a lot more seriously. My favourite part of this book is the Tips for Beauty Bloggers as she includes links to other blogs to look at for inspiration before you think about earning money.

Paul Arden: It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be
This book I would recommend to anybody whether you are a school-leaver, self-employed or just in need of a pick-me-up. I have read this book countless times back to front as it is an incredible book for making you feel a bit better about life or specifically in my case uni. This book gives you logical answers to everyday questions and doesn't sugar coat it either. I would carry this in my pocket if it could because it has always reassured me about life. I have included two quotes that I go by frequently from this book 'do not seek praise, seek criticism' and 'don't be afraid of silly ideas'. Both of these quotes get me through university mostly but can relate to other aspects of life too. A great book that everyone should have.

What are your favourite books for inspiration, tips or advice?? 


  1. I love the look of these books, especially the Paul Arden one because I love positive quotes :D

    Alice x

    1. Paul's books always speak a lot of sense like he doesn't sugar coat it which is what I like. Definitely recommend this book x

  2. Great reviews thank you x

  3. I love coffee table books, my collection is growing rapidly. I'll have to get pretty honest as it sounds great!

    1. Me too! I just want loads of pretty books even if I don't read them! x

  4. I love Sali and Tanya's books! The Paul Arden one sounds great x

    1. Both amazing books I want to read more similar to them! x

  5. I have the Tanya burr book but haven't got round to using it yet and pretty honest is one of my fave books to read at the moment. It's a nice read about all things beauty. X


    1. I haven't read it all I just flick through it from time to time its one of those types of books.
      I know I love her writing style! x

  6. I'd love to read that last book: It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be. Love the first quote. I'm in my final year of university and it's funny to see how most of us indeed do seek criticism now instead of praise. When we get like a B on a paper with only praise, we're like "then why isn't it an A, tell me what I can do better next time!"

    xx Izzy |

    1. Yeah so true! I think a lot of these quotes fit a lot of uni students especially ones who do a lot of designs or essays. x

  7. I love Michelle Phan's book and I'm so excited for Carrie Hope Fletcher's book, All I Know Now. Lovely post!
    Hattie //

    1. I never thought to read them but everyone rates them! x

  8. Love, Tanya is certainly my go to book if I am wanting to rewind down from a stressful day and I have quoted 'Get Rich Blogging' quite a few times in essays for university. I think it is certainly full of some very useful tips for us bloggers :) xx

    1. It is a easy, fun read to de stress with I agree there!
      Yeah it is! x

  9. I have nominated you for the liebester award, please check out my blog to get your questions :) x

  10. I've not read many tips books but I do love a good book I'm always reading something.

    Rosy |

  11. I used to love buying brand new books...but now I'd rather just go to a charity shop and get a book for 50p. And let's be honest, after Chhrtistmas you can get brand new books from those who hadn't asked Santa for paperbacks!

    1. So true! But I must admit the smell of a new book is always pleasing! x

  12. I am loving having Tanya's book as a little handbook for makeup, inspiration for fashion or food but also as a little pick me up.

    Lucy | Ooh La Luce

    1. She covers a lot of areas really nicely its so easy to read as well! x

  13. Tanya's book looks great, it's on my list of books to read!

    1. I don't watch her videos but I definitely recommend her book x

  14. I'm reading Pretty Honest at the moment - I love it! Looks awesome on the shelf as well.

    Georgina - smashbox palette giveaway!

  15. I so badly want to read these, I have read it's not how good you are it's how good you what to be - which is amazing. Thank you for the post! xx

    1. you're welcome!
      Aw I just want thousands of pretty books scattered everywhere! xx

  16. Get rich blogging?! I may need a sneaky purchase of that ;) haha.

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  17. Great post! i'm totally saving it on pinterest for future readings
    The Color Palette

    1. Good choice! Do let me know if you pick any up! x

  18. I always love your posts about books! I've recently started reading Game of Thrones.

    Emma x

    1. aw thanks Emma nice of you to say!
      I heard they are hard to get into how you finding them?


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