Sunday, 28 September 2014

An Afternoon at Warkworth

An Afternoon at Warkworth
This was a spontaneous trip that was 'to be continued' from my morning trip to Amble, we decided to spend the afternoon at Warkworth which was a short drive from Amble. Originally we wanted to visit the castle that you were able to see from the seafront of Amble but that lead onto doing other things like shopping and window browsing around the little street!

I think I had my Harry Potter head on when I saw this castle, even though I am aware Harry Potter was not filmed here it did influence me to watch Harry Potter when I got home! If you like architecture and historic buildings then definitely come up to Warkworth. My dad is really big with history so he was dishing the dirt on this castle to me which was quite interesting. Stuff like this really fascinates me I think I mentioned this in my Edinburgh blog post here too when visiting the castle. After we had a good look at the castle we decided to head back down the street and check out a few shops.

Places like this are great for finding those unique home-ware bits from random little shops that are only in one small area. We had a wander through various shops one being a more of a travel gift shop where we were surrounded by chutneys and jams. Yummy! Once we finished having a look at a couple of shops we decided to cut through a little lane and look at the river.

We saw a couple of very pretty, big cottages/homes where we were yet again imagining living in one of those. It must be a nice site to open your window and see a river with lots of swans and herons, a bit peaceful. One thing that really stood out to me was this lovely, little couple who were sat on a bench for ages talking and watching the view. This was lovely, I don't know why I took a photo of it but things like that really make me smile and make me want to live like that when I am at that age.

After taken numerous photos and taken in lots of views we decided to make our way back home. Warkworth is a lovely little place to go to if you want to visit a bit of architectural history! it is quite a small area but it's incredibly beautiful to visit.  


  1. gorgeous photography

    liz xx

  2. How did you get your little signature at the bottom? sorry i'm new to blogging and i have seen a lot of bloggers doing it and i would like to make one. Thanks x

    1. Don't apologize we are all in the same boat! - someone created mine for me but I am sure Google will have your answer I think it goes in your HTML when you are typing out your post x

  3. Aw this looks so lovely, that photo of the old couple is adorable!

    Salt and Chic // UK Fashion Blog

    1. I know I just couldn't not be a pervert at that moment!

  4. Aw, I know what you mean about seeing old couples sat talking. It warms my heart to see a happy couple appreciating the world around them and still finding the time to appreciate each other - gives the world hope, huh? :)
    Your pup is so cute!

    Laura | elelibee

    1. I know it is very cute and they will have so much to reminisce on! very happy couple. Aw thank you! x

  5. Warkworth looks beautiful and that old couple are just gorgeous, you captured the moment there! I hope I'll be like that when I'm old too! Bless them.

    Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches

    1. I am glad I took it I hesitated at first but glad I did! I know me too very cute!

  6. amazing photos! and the photos are great :)


    anna from

  7. oh everything looks so pretty - i really need to visit there as it's not too far away!

    from helen at /// new blog sale

    1. No it isn't! really pretty not a lot to do there but worth going for a few hours

  8. This is beautiful! I might have to pay Warkworth a visit! X


    1. It is very small but a lovely little place to go for an hour or so x

  9. What a gorgeous place, I'd love to visit Warkworth one day! By the way, your photos look great!

    Olivia x
    Beauty from the Fjord
    Zoella Beauty Giveaway

    1. thanks so much! let me know if you ever get round to it! x

  10. That looks gorgeous! I totally get what you're saying about having your "Harry Potter had on" too... when I was in college, on pretty snowy days I used to walk around with the HP soundtrack playing for the same reason.

    Sounds like a super lovely day! A visit to Warkworth would be totally rad one sometime. Have a good week!

    x Jenna @ maybe lately.

    1. Not judging I would be loving that too! and thank you!

  11. It looks gorgeous! I love that kind of lovely countryside landscapes. We don't have that kind of villages in Finalnd and maybe that's why I love them so much.

    1. me too one my favourites! where I live we don't either it is more of a town but always nice to go places like this

  12. Damn it! Knew I'd end up wanting to add Warkworth to the list as well as soon as I read this!

    Chloe x

    1. your list must getting pretty extensive now is it?! x

  13. This looks like such a cute place and I do love a castle!!
    Raffles Bizarre Blog

    1. I know me too! glad you like these sort of posts too!

  14. Looks super! Lovely blog xxx


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