Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Is Blogging a Fairytale?

If blogging is a fairytale or some sort of fantasy than I missed the memo because I did not receive my talking unicorn or magic carpet in the post. Recently I have come across a couple of statements from different social medias insinuating blogging is either a fairytale or not a real career path. Words such as: 'fantasy', 'unrealistic' or 'not real' have been thrown around in different areas so I got the notion that outsiders look at blogging as a comical community that are living in a dream.

Not everything is for everyone
Let's face it most of us would love a full-time career in blogging I know it has crossed my mind a few times but, that doesn't make it a fairytale ending for all of us or means we have sleepless nights thinking of this. Not everyone will excuse the expression 'hunky dory' over blogging because its not for everyone and it will be the same situations for other hobbies, jobs etc it isn't for everyone. I know I wouldn't want to spend my free time playing football but I'm not going to judge the people who do by saying its a fantasy/unrealistic career. The more I think about this the more I feel like certain outsiders disagree with blogging - the reason why this is I am unsure but, what do I say to that? let them and continue.  

Put it together and what have you got...
Every blogger has a different reason to write what they do whether its fashion, beauty, life, mental health, whatever it is we all have a story to tell. I started blogging because I was for years watching beauty and fashion bloggers/Youtubers and always wanted to start something of my own where I write reviews or post what I get up to. I did it for myself not for fame or money I just wanted to document things I've been doing and review things I enjoy or don't. These sort of posts become useful to others especially reviews as they are really useful to read before spending that money on something that doesn't work for you. Reality is, probably most people in the world find reviews useful even if its reviews for hotels or food we find it useful.

An unrealistic career

If blogging isn't real then I must just be imagining the past year and it must really be a fairytale. The notion that blogging isn't a 'real career' is bizarre and quite frankly mistaken, some bloggers started blogging because they want a career path in it. I disagree with the statement that it's unrealistic because you see bloggers splattered all over magazines for their inspirational beauty, fashion styles. I think people outside of the box of the blogging world presume its just sitting in front of a screen in your pyjamas writing what you love/hate but, its a lot more to it than that and its different for everyone. If my goal in life wasn't to graduate and work in the design industry I would possibly love a career in blogging because it's never-ending and always interesting!

When you wish upon a star

Blogging means something different to all of us but I don't think any of us wishes its a fantasy, fairytale where we are all whisked away by a prince charming and live happily ever after. For me, it is (like my basics part of my blog says) a little area where I can blog and chat about all the beauty/fashion related things I enjoy where I don't annoy my friends but I share with all you blogging fanatics! So for outsiders to presume we are living in a fairytale world just tells me a lot on what they know/don't know about this community. 

There is probably a lot more I could say on this post but the main thing I wanted to talk about was what these statements actually mean to bloggers like myself. It doesn't mean I am living a perfect lifestyle because believe me I don't and it definitely doesn't mean I make wishes every night to have a fairytale ending. If outsiders want to disagree on what blogging is all about then let them it isn't for everyone and not everyone knows the ins and outs to it. If bloggers want a career into this industry the outsiders need to mind their own business and stick to what they know.


  1. I hate how the media refers blogging as not a real career its just total rubbish!

    Great post x

    1. isn't it! I mean look at Zoella etc they started at the bottom and they are big xx

  2. Fair play Katie for speaking out! I'm at the stage now where people I know are discovering my blog. I feel I have to justify myself all the time. But I've been quite lucky in that the people have found out have been quite supportive. Hopefully that pattern will continue! But I shouldn't have to feel pressurised to into explaining why I started, I just did because I wanted to! Great post x

    1. You should never have to justify to anyone people just don't understand it. Yeah I know! so glad its ok for you x

  3. I've seen cases of full time bloggers saying they were bloggers and people getting like "oh like a writer?" or making faces like they don't know what they're talking about. I love blogging but I see it only as my hobby, still I'll take my time to do it for as long as I can and feel like.

    xx, M | Brunette In Black

    1. They do they sort of laugh about it but why do companies want to work with bloggers then if its not a real career? Yeah I agree exactly the same for me x

  4. This post is amazing, it says so much about blogging!
    Lauren - x

    1. Thank you glad you liked it I was really apprehensive about posting it! x

  5. I totally agree with your point about wanting to document things for yourself. We now live in an era where we don't tend to print off photos. I treasure the photo albums I have kept from my teenage years where I used to use disposable cameras and get them printed off as mementos. Blogging for me really is a diary to look back on in years to come. Also like you saidmentioned, I like to write reviews that may help people learn a bit about a product. I read blogs for that reason and they really can be a useful resource. Great post! Gemma x

    Beautiful Life as I know it

    1. I know exactly its like a journal for lifestyle! x

  6. Such a lovely post and I agree fully with you! (:
    - Nicole (

  7. Great topic to write about and I totally agree with you. It is horrible how blogging seems to be perceived by other people, especially in some industries like journalism. Maybe it's because they are getting worried that people who are apparently 'just sitting behind a screen in their pyjamas' are getting a lot more control over things and are making a name for themselves. Bloggers always put hard work into what they produce and we should be treated the same as any other journalist out there.
    Lauren // OhHay Blogs!

    1. I completely agree with you it could be that reason! yes exactly my point we are no different to others! xx

  8. Great post Katie, and I think the whole work and blogging debate will be around for a good while longer yet!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  9. I completely agree with this post and think that people have no idea what effort goes into it. I put 19 hours into my blog a day, & it is my priority if it is a fantasy I sure have wasted a lot of my life and aspiration haha! Blogging is much of a fantasy as any other job, and to me it is like journalism..but ya know! xxx

    Blonde of carbs

    1. They don't they just assume we sit on our backsides when most bloggers have other things going on. They just don't get it! xx

  10. Fab post - I find that blogging is hard work - it annoys me when people are like "omg you get so much free stuff' - No, it isn't free - we work hard for it!

    Josie XOXO
    Fashion Mumblr

    1. Yeah I know! I haven't came across someone say that but if they did that would be my response xx

  11. Very nice insight, It is true most outsiders don't understand the concept of blogging. They must be informed lol!

  12. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Awards, congratulations! To find out more, check out my latest post, which is

    Love from Daisy x

  13. I love this post! I wish people wouldn't underestimate how much time we dedicate to blogging... I dedicate almost more time to my blog than to my blog...

    xx, Be || lovefrombe

    1. I know exactly we aren't doing any harm its not as if we are begging for free stuff or something that doesn't look personal to us x

  14. I love this post! I can see why some people would think that blogging is a fairytale career choice, just like I can see how people would think that being a dancer, actress, musician, or an artist is a fairytale career choice. Blogging is a creative activity, no matter what you blog about it is a creative space, people always have a harder time accepting that you can have a creative based career, and if that suits the person great, why not! If that person choices to strive for a job in finance or teaching or whatever it may be, and just wants to blog as a hobby, then that's fine too.
    Great post! :)

    1. So glad you understand where I am coming from! I don't take it to heart when I hear these statements because at the end of the day other companies will get similar back lash too we just have to get on with it xx

  15. Brilliantly written! I think its easy for people to judge when all they see is a post which contain a few paragraphs. They don't think of how long it takes for the idea, content, photographs and everything else that has to be picked off before clicking publish.

    1. I know exactly, even if it is a hobby, job, fame whatever the reason is people do it we aren't doing in harm x


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